Sale of alcohol in a supermarket (illustration). – Rafael Ben-Ari / Cham / NEWSCOM / SIPA

Approaching New year , many departments have decided to prohibit the sale of alcohol on their territories. A measure encouraged by the Minister of the Interior intended to limit disturbances to public order, as justified by several prefectures, reports France Bleu .

In the Eastern Pyrenees, the sale of alcohol and its consumption on public roads have been prohibited since Wednesday 20 a.m. and until Friday morning at 8 a.m. The prefecture thus intends to fight against “disturbances to public order and public tranquility”

Vente d'alcool dans un supermarché (illustration). The prohibition of sale of alcohol to take away only concerns so-called “strong” spirits (+ de 17 °) category IV and V for all establishments and traders .

Vente d'alcool dans un supermarché (illustration). ➡️ pic.twitter. com / KBTDyp0euO
– Prefect of Pyrénées-Orientales (@Prefet 66) December 30, 669

Limit the circulation of the coronavirus Vente d'alcool dans un supermarché (illustration). In Cantal, the sale of alcohol is prohibited from 12 h this Thursday. In Cher, Loiret and Rhône, the decision comes into force at 16 h, and at 18 h in Côtes-d’Armor , Manche and Mayenne, lists CNews . In the Cher, selling is prohibited until Saturday 6 a.m. and in the Gard, “temporary drinking establishments” will not be able to sell alcohol until January 3 at 6 a.m.

In Ille-et-Vilaine , the sale of alcohol is prohibited from 16 h this Thursday and until Friday at 14 h. This department is the only one to have justified this decision by the pandemic of