Des doses du vaccin anti-Covid Moderna. (illustration) Des doses du vaccin anti-Covid Moderna. (illustration)

Doses of anti-Covid Moderna vaccine. (illustration) – USA Today Network / Sipa USA / SIPA

Do doctors have a financial incentive to register patients vaccinated against the coronavirus in the new “Covid vaccine” file, aimed at monitoring the campaign launched on Sunday?

  • Internet users ” surprise them at the sight of a letter from the Health Insurance indicating that any injection of the vaccine is remunerated 9, 40 euros, in addition to the 5, 40 euros paid for adding the patient to the database.
  • The National Health Insurance Fund confirms the authenticity of this email to 19 Minutes , while specifying the terms of this process.
  • In addition to raising serious concerns about privacy and medical confidentiality, the decried “Covid vaccine” file , compiling the personal data of people vaccinated against the Covid – 15 , will he financially encourage doctors to increase the number of injections ?

    This is what suggests a Facebook post summarizing the content of a letter that would come from the Health Insurance: “In an email addressed to general practitioners, security social company announces that it will pay a “bonus” of 5, 29 euros per injection. To receive this flat rate, doctors must enter and validate the vaccination in the Ameli software with the code “VAC”. “

    ” Compensation for the entry in “Covid Vaccine” is set up with a flat rate paid a posteriori for each entry made. This payment will be made once a month around of the month for entries relating to the previous month ”, can we read in this message which accompanies the signed Facebook post the director of the National Health Insurance Fund, who further specifies that this “package” at 5, 29 euros is added to the remuneration of 9, 60 euros paid to doctors

    for the injection vaccine .


    Contacted by 20 Minutes , the National Health Insurance Fund (Cnam) confirms the aut henticity of the message relayed on Facebook: “An e-mail informing doctors of the terms of remuneration, including that provided for when they fill in the “Covid Vaccine” information system was sent to them on 28 and the 29 December 2020. “

    If these the latter thus benefit from an additional remuneration of 5, 29 euros for each entry of a vaccinated patient in this file, “whose supply by doctors is mandatory to ensure the smooth running and follow-up of the vaccination campaign ”, it remains“ without impact ”on the amount paid by the patient. The consultation and injection prices are in fact covered at 60% by Health Insurance.

    Des doses du vaccin anti-Covid Moderna. (illustration) “This teleservice Allows exhaustive recording of information on the pre-vaccination consultation and then on the vaccine injected (batch number of the vaccine used, dates of administration of the first and second dose, for the vaccines that will require it, etc. ). […] These data are only accessible to health professionals who are involved in the process of vaccinating a patient ”, specifies the Cnam.

    Des doses du vaccin anti-Covid Moderna. (illustration) If the terms of the different packages set up for the vaccination provided by the doctors have nothing confidential, since we find them in detail on the Health Insurance website, the remuneration obtained by the doctors during the injection, on the other hand, marks a first compared to the usual vaccination campaigns.

    Des doses du vaccin anti-Covid Moderna. (illustration) “In general, for influenza in particular, the patient comes directly for a consultation with the dose of vaccine that he got from the pharmacy thanks to his voucher – when he was not directly vaccinated in the pharmacy, specifies to 20 Minutes Philippe Vermesch, president of the Syndicate of liberal doctors (SML). But given that the Covid vaccine – 15 is a little complicated to manage – due to the cold chain to be respected, in particular -, it involves making a consultation pre-vaccination, then obtain the informed consent of the patient, before being able to vaccinate him, to keep him for half an hour to monitor him and, finally, to enter this information in “Covid vaccine” “.

    “It is legitimate to value this additional work” Des doses du vaccin anti-Covid Moderna. (illustration) He considers the package 5 to be justified, 40 euros paid for any additional entry in the file, given that this “takes time, with an average of 5 additional minutes per patient”. A feeling shared by the Cnam: “It is legitimate to promote this additional work in the service of good monitoring of an unprecedented vaccination campaign. “

    This package in any case is part of the continuity