Friday, September 20

The child abandoned at the border is from Nicaragua and is 10 years old; a video of him crying went viral

Images of the boy walking alone and crying went viral

El niño abandonado en la frontera es de Nicaragua y tiene 10 años; un video de él llorando se hizo viral
Capture the video.

Photo: Border Patrol / Courtesy

TEXAS – The boy who was caught on video by a Border Patrol agent while was walking desperately alone on the border east of Rio Grande City, after it was apparently abandoned by the group with whom he was trying to cross illegally into the United States , is a native of Nicaragua, according to new details that were released this Wednesday.

Images of the boy walking alone and approaching a crying Border Patrol agent went viral on social media and appeared on national newscasts.

Immigration authorities reported that the child of 10 years and of Nicaraguan nationality crying asks the officer to help him and claims to be lost after that his group abandoned him on the way.

The minor did not come with his parents and desperately was looking for help for fear that he would be kidnapped or that someone would hurt him.

A statement from Customs and Border Protection (CBP, for its acronym in English) confirmed the events that occurred on the morning of Thursday, April 1.

According to the statement, the boy was found on a rural street near La Grulla. “He was upset and crying after waking up to find that he was abandoned by the group of migrants he was traveling with,” the CBP spokesperson said in a statement.

The video, apparently captured with a camera hanging from an agent’s chest, shows the moment when a Border Patrol agent sees the silhouette of what appears to be a person in the distance.

The agent who found him took him to a Border Patrol facility where they gave him food and gave him a medical checkup. According to CBP, the child will be transferred to the custody of the Office of Refugee Relocation of the Department of Health and Human Services.

Another similar case was that of two children of 8 and 23 years that were Abandoned in the Del Rio, Texas area. They only wore the clothes they were wearing and the information to contact their relatives.

The data from the immigration authorities indicate that the numbers of apprehensions during the month of February in the Rio Grande Valley sector were 3, 945 unaccompanied minors reaching their maximum capacity in almost all temporary processing centers.

The Border Patrol calls not to send their children alone to cross the border .

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