Friday, September 20

Former NFL player arrested in Florida for murder

exjugador de la NFL fue detenido en Florida por asesinato

The police broke the window of the car and injected tear gas.

Photo: CHRIS DELMAS / AFP / Getty Images

E l former football player Travis Rudolph , was arrested in Florida after an impasse with a firearm that left one person dead and another injured . 1229409893

Rudolph, by 25 years is held without bail in a jail in this South Florida county . He is charged with first degree murder and attempted murder charges.

According to the Palm Beach County Sheriff’s Office, near 12 that night, police officers responded to the report of a shooting, and upon arrival discovered that a man had been taken to a hospital and another was found dead a few meters away .

The policemen identified Rudolph, who was at the site, as the suspect of being the perpetrator of the shots and was arrested shortly after.

The detainee is expected to be presented this Thursday in court competent in the matter.