Friday, September 20

After WhatsApp's new privacy policy, Telegram receives 25 million new users in 72 hours

Luego de la nueva política de privacidad de Whatsapp, Telegram recibe 25 millones de usuarios nuevos en 72 horas

Mark Zuckerberg, owner of WhatsApp, inadvertently benefited the competition, Telegram among them.

Photo: Drew Angerer / Getty Images

After WhatsApp will publish its new policies , terms and conditions of information handling, the messaging application Telegram added a 25 million users new in the last 72 hours .

Enjoy WhatsApp memes and their new information privacy policies

The controversial decision has greatly benefited Telegram , who reached the 500 million of monthly active users, representing a increase significant compared to last year, thanks to the campaign that involuntarily Mark Zuckerberg orchestrated wanting a greater exchange of information from each user of WhatsApp with other social networks such as Facebook and Instagram.

Users who are now part of Telegram, Signal and other platforms of instant communication did not agree with the location of Whatsapp to accept their terms and conditions before February 8, 2021, otherwise they will no longer be able to access their accounts .

For his part Pável Dúrov, founder of Telegram , commented that “L a people no longer exchange their privacy for free services . She no longer wants to be taken as hostage by technology monopolies. ”

Dúrov explained that the arrival of new users is a increase significant compared to last year, and that already before they had had sudden waves of registrations during its seven years of experience in protecting the privacy of its users, but that this time is different .

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