Friday, September 20

Find out which jobs companies will request the most in 2021, according to LinkedIn

One of the lessons of the 2020 was that things can change drastically From overnight. Jobs are no exception and that is why LinkedIn conducted a study in which it shows which jobs are with the highest growth .

Jobs on the rise reveals current available jobs and courses that can help applicants to acquire the skills necessary to become more competitive .

Fields such as aviation and hospitality were heavily affected by the coronavirus pandemic , while areas such as Healthcare, education and finance had to increase hiring to meet the growing demand .

Next the listing of Jobs on the rise :

1. Frontline Ecommerce Workers

Positions: Personal Shopper , Compliance Specialist, Delivery Driver

Hiring growth since 2019: increase in 73%

Available in: Chicago , New York, Washington, DC

Salary range: $ 41, 000 to $ 56, 10

2. Experts in loans and mortgages

Positions: loan coordinator , mortgage consultant, insurer

Hiring growth since 2019: increase in 59%

Available in: New York , Dallas, Chicago

Average salary: $ 43, 700 to $ 59, 000

3. Health Care Support Personnel

Positions: Intake Specialist , Health Advisor, Pharmacy Technician

Hiring growth since 2019: a 41% more

Available in: New York , Boston, Chicago

Average salary: $ 65, 300 to $ 106,

4. Sales and Business Development Professionals

Positions: Sales Consultants , Sales Operations Assistant, Strategic Advisor

Hiring growth from 2019: to 45%

Available in: New York , Denver, Atlanta

Average salary: $ 43,300 to $ 105, 000

5. Diversity Experts in the Workplace

Positions: Diversity Coordinator , Inclusion Assistant, Diversity Officer

Hiring growth from 2019: to 90%

Available in: New York , San Francisco, Chicago

Average salary: $ 72, 700 to $ 97, 000

6. Digital Marketing Professionals

Positions: Growth Hacker , Social Media Administrator, Search Engine Optimization Specialist

Hiring growth since 2019: a 34% more

Available in: New York , San Francisco , Los Angeles

Average Salary: $ 48, 10 to $ 96, 10

7. Nurses

Positions: School Nurse , Certified Nursing Assistant, Nursing Manager

Hiring growth from 2019: to 30%

Available in: New York , Los Angeles, Philadelphia

Average salary: $ 72, 000 to $ 111, 000

8. Education professionals

Positions: youth worker , teaching assistant, education consultant

Hiring growth from 2019: to 24%

Where the jobs are: New York , Chicago , Washington, DC

Median Salary: $ 46, 500 to $ 63, 200

9. Digital content creators

Positions: Content coordinator , podcaster, blogger, youtuber

Hiring growth from 2019: to 49%

Available in: New York , Chicago, Atlanta

Average salary: $ 46, 000 to $ 62, 400

10. Personal and professional trainers

Main positions: life coach , career coordinator, business coach

Hiring growth from 2019: to 51%

Available in: New York , Houston, Boston

Average salary: $ 43, 300 to $ 50, 10

11. Specialized Engineers

Positions: Game Developer , Software Engineering Specialist, Customer Engineer

Hiring growth from 2019: to 25 %

Where the jobs are: San Francisco , New York, Washington, DC

Median Salary: $ 77, 500 to $ 104,

12. Mental health specialists

Positions: behavioral therapist , mental health technician, psychotherapist

Hiring growth since 2019: a 24% more

Where the jobs are: Boston , San Francisco, New York

Average salary: $ 34, 600 to $ 65, 10

14. User Experience Professionals

Positions: User Experience Design Specialist , Product Design Consultant, User Interface Designer user

Hiring growth from 2019: to a 20%

Where are the jobs: San Francisco , New York, Seattle

Average salary: $ 80, 000 a $ 103, 10

14. Data Scientists

Positions: Data Scientist , Data Science Specialist, Data Management Analyst

Hiring growth since 2019: a 46% plus

Where are the jobs: Washington, DC , San Francisco, New York

Average salary: $ 100, 10 to $ 130, 10

20. Artificial Intelligence Engineers

Positions: Machine Learning Engineer , Artificial Intelligence Specialist, Machine Learning Researcher

Hiring growth from 2019: to 33%

Available in: San Francisco , New York, Seattle

Average Salary: $ 124, 000 to $ 150, 10

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