Saturday, September 28

Monosodium glutamate, moderate its consumption for your health

As you know, it is important to eat healthy and balanced and include a wide variety of foods in the daily diet where vegetables, fruits, protein sources, whole grains and healthy fats should predominate.

It is advisable to acquire the nutrients from natural sources and avoid consuming in high quantities processed and / or refined products, however, with the current lifestyle it can be difficult to find this balance because one seeks to eat delicious and healthy while saving time and money.

Giving a boost to the flavor of the dishes and snacks or appetizers is the intention of many products that we find in the supermarket and that is precisely the role played by the food additive Monosodium Glutamate (MSG).

MSG is an additive that has been present in processed foods for several decades and its use is quite common, we can find it in most salty products such as sauces, s nacks, dressings, seasonings and many others; This is added with the purpose of increasing the intensity of the flavors by using less salt.

It could be assumed that it is favorable since it reduces the consumption of salt, the disadvantage is It is used in a wide range of products that we ingest throughout the day with meals, so its consumption can be harmful due to the frequency and quantity with which it is ingested, this without realizing it most of the time.

This problem is also known as ” Chinese restaurant syndrome ”. It involves a set of symptoms that some people have after eating food with the additive monosodium glutamate (MSG). MSG is frequently used in food prepared in Chinese restaurants.

Today it is Required by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to indicate on product labels when Monosodium Glutamate is present, this is because the frequent consumption of this substance has been attributed certain symptoms such as headache , weakness, dizziness, palpitations, among others according to some studies. However, more scientific research is needed in this regard.

Weight gain and consumption of monosodium glutamate

Its consumption could be associated with moderate weight gain according to a study published by Journal Clinical Nutrition in 2011.

In another investigation in which they participated 752 people in China saw an increase of 0. 61 of the body mass index (BMI) for a consumption daily of 0. 04 of an ounce in people who consumed it.

Likewise, it has been seen that in high doses it could cause dependence, certain cardiovascular and nervous system problems, muscle tension, among other conditions that could affect health, as well several studies point out, however more research is needed.

On the other hand, it has also been associated that these health problems affect when the amounts of MSG are high and that it depends from person to person such susceptibility.

However, there is no evidence to date that MSG causes serious long-term problems in the general population.

Moderate the consumption of products with monosodium glutamate

It is advisable to identify which products of our regular diet contain it and moderate or eliminate the consumption of those that contain it in an excessive way and do not bring health benefits.

Start by reading the nutritional content labels to detect in which products you consume MSG is found. And their consumption decreases.

Likewise, many companies have chosen to offer a greater variety of products that do not contain MSG in favor of the health of their consumers.

  • More on glutamate and Chinese restaurant syndrome