Friday, September 27

James Rodríguez: “I was going to Atlético, but Real Madrid didn't let me”

His words cause an impact in Colombia because he is the idol of the coffee country, but his most recent statements confirmed what was an open secret: the interest that Atlético de Madrid had in having the services of James Rodríguez , the cucuteño.

The current player of Everton lives a difficult time being more than a month stopped without playing due to injury, and took the opportunity to talk about various issues with ESPN. Among those, he spoke about how close he came to reaching the mattress club.

“In Madrid I played little, especially in the second period. After leaving Bayern Munich, I had everything ready to go to Atlético de Madrid, but Real Madrid did not let me, “he said about how close he came to going to the Cholo team in 2019.

Then he ended his time in the merengue team and ended up at Everton at the exclusive request of Carlo Ancelotti, a coach who has always trusted him.

The Colombian aspires to arrive with pace to the Copa América / EFE

Champions goal for James

He is ready to return and take over the leadership of the team in the last nine Premier League games. He came to take that leading role and does not hide his responsibility.

“This team is about to get into European competitions. If I’m good, the team looks good. That is our goal, this year I saw the Champions League on TV and I didn’t like it at all, because I had been playing it since 2012 followed. I did not play it with Monaco and from there I played every year ”, added the ’10’ of the Toffee .