Friday, September 27

José Joel, son of José José, denounces that his name is being used for extortion purposes

The afternoon of April 1, José Joel , son of José José , uploaded a video to his official Instagram account where he explained that there is an imposter who is posing as him on social networks to ask fans for money.

The singer of 45 years exposed that the account @josejoel 9990 She was detected using her name for extortion purposes , although thanks to the complaint the cyber police were finally able to intervene to terminate said Instagram account.

“In recent days we have noticed that criminals and usurpers are using my name through social networks to reach all of you and cause you harm, cause you a nuisance, ask for money, make pass by me ”, he said.

In the recording of just over a minute, the interpreter assured that they are trying to do what to hurt him and take advantage of it. Although the authority has already lowered the account, he knows that there are other impostors, so he asks his followers to be vigilant.

Report it to the cyber police “, ended.