Friday, September 27

Aleida Núñez boasts a steel abdomen and shapely legs with denim shorts

Aleida Núñez once again fell in love with about 3 and a half million followers with whom she has in Instagram, all thanks to a sensual series of photographs in which she exhibited her shapely legs and laundry abdomen with a sexy denim shorts.

The Mexican actress caused a sensation within her profile social after posing a couple of times in front of the camera with a pink lace top and a blazer in the same tone, which she combined with a daring denim shorts, a garment that exposed the beauty of her shapely legs.

On this occasion, the heated snapshots managed to accumulate close to 30 a thousand red hearts in a few hours, as well as flattering messages of congratulations for maintaining a spectacular body and compliments aimed especially at the beauty of her charming legs.

The stylized silhouette that Aleida keeps her 40 years has caused reactions of all kinds on previous occasions, to show the publications he made a few days ago, where, in addition to posing in a bikini , she used just garments that highlighted her silhouette from the gym, where performed an exercise routine with which he highlighted the importance of maintaining discipline and good technique, such as the one that his fans observed more than 250 a thousand times.

Love your body as it is and take care of it always “, was advice with which he accompanied the recording in which he dressed tight blue leggings that are part of her clothing line and that she has also shown off on other occasions.