Saturday, September 28

“I miss you”: Two years after the arrest of Pablo Lyle, his wife dedicates an emotional message

Ana Araujo spoke about the way she sees love and her marriage with the actor, who faces charges of involuntary manslaughter in Miami Florida

“Te extraño”: A dos años de la detención de Pablo Lyle, su esposa dedica un emotivo mensaje
Pablo Lyle.

Photo: Alejandro Garza / Reforma Agency

Two years after the arrest of Pablo Lyle , for involuntary manslaughter, his wife, Ana Araujo , dedicated an emotional message to the actor.

In the text published on Instagram, Araujo talks about his way of seeing love and marriage.

“Marriage as an institution, as an idea, as a dream, What has this pandemic taught you about your marriage? Did you survive the confinement? Since my wedding? brother, in my head all these ideas that I have of love, love as a couple, marriage began to emerge and I fell into account of the idealization I have about love . Today, as the adult that I am, I know that the love of Candy Candy and Anthony and then with Terry (someone will know what I am talking about) does not exist, and that love has different forms “, he wrote.

Lyle was arrested after beating a man, who later died, in Miami, Florida, where has stayed since 2019. His wife, who was with him during the accident, is now in Mazatlán.

“What I live now with my husband is much more real than what we lived 3-4 years ago because simply having the opportunity to see the other as he really is, and not the idealization that I had built, as I just said, is a CHANCE in a million. Clearly it is easier and more common to be in love with a ‘perfect’ idea than with an imperfect reality, “added Araujo.

The message was accompanied by a photo of the couple, who have two children in common.

“Our partners are our mirrors. Around one day I heard the phrase: ‘you have the partner for which it reached you’. So we accept the love we believe we deserve, and a constant that I see in couples is the lack of responsibility, they taught us to be victims and not responsible. I faithfully believe that if you do not have the capacity for self-criticism you are missing out on a personal growth that can go from hand of your partner, because in the end it is the person who knows you best and who can help you reflect what you want to change in yourself. I miss you Lyle. Thank you for your teachings “, he concluded.