Friday, September 20

April horoscope: What do the stars bring this month for your zodiac sign?


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . A significant number of planets in twelve will lead you to browse memory. Good for the memories, but don’t try to keep anything that it’s time to let go.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . For everything you will be presented with different variables and your work will not be the exception. Two paths that are attractive to you and very different will lead you to make a hard work decision. The grand definition, as of 18. Your activity, with outsiders.

LOVE AND SEX. With Venus at twelve, you go to have to fight the illusory. Do not get hooked on the same old routes that you already know how they end. Make a little silence, dare to be alone for a while so that you can listen to your deepest intimacy and choose in love the best option without cobwebs.

THE CHALLENGE. Allow yourself to get out of “the urgency” for a while.

THE OPPORTUNITY . Say the exact words at the moment of greatest tension and everything settles down.

YOUR ALLY . Pisces will inspire you with his magic.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With Mars and the Moon in two, the great possibility is that the money zone moves very dynamically. Be careful, you could be tempted and assume an expense that exceeds your pocket. Organizing your family finances will be essential. Final point for a legal or real estate issue.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . You will be achieving an extraordinary harmony between what your spirit seeks to advance and the job opportunities that appear. As of
LOVE AND SEX . Some tension in your linking world. You will not tolerate stickiness or dependencies with anyone. With Venus at eleven, you are going to need creativity with your love. If you are not in a relationship, the surprise wakes you up from a certain emotional drowsiness.

THE CHALLENGE . Daring yes, recklessness no.

THE OPPORTUNITY . In your work, excellence and a new movement that marks a before and after.

YOUR ALLY . Scorpio will be guiding you with impeccability in the change.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With three planets in water signs in the work zone, your mental acuity is going to be added a share of extraordinary intuition, use it! Results that exceed expectations in a project that brings the best from 18.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . Group experiences and extra-work activities involve you in communal affairs. You are going to enjoy an amazing human diversity. There, a meeting of destiny.

LOVE AND SEX . With a more leisurely walk than usual, you will be seducing the most hardened souls. In your sauce, playing and conquering loves (like this, in the plural), exploring, having fun. Dare to try untraveled emotional routes. In love, important decisions, for later.

THE CHALLENGE . Keep the secret they entrusted to you.

THE OPPORTUNITY . Integrate your mental energy to the exploration of the field of the spiritual.

YOUR ALLY . With Aquarius, an empathy that transcends all borders.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . Your sentient energy is going to intermingle with the intense influence of Mars. You will be galloping for some very energized action. Advice: recharge with this vital frequency, make decisions, define the pending and do not keep your anger so that they do not implode in your body.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . With Mercury, Neptune and Venus at nine, you are going to look for people, knowledge, activities that expand the universe of your mind. A course that captures you and opens you to a different vision? A chance encounter of a surprising and deep spiritual connection? A trip? Get ready for this and more.

LOVE AND SEX . With your partner, a fair game in which love energy will genuinely circulate. If you are not in a relationship, your openness and your magnetism will summon you to a daring, serene and attractive emotional proposal at the same time.

THE CHALLENGE. Do not victimize yourself.

THE OPPORTUNITY . A very convenient economic agreement.

YOUR ALLY . Taurus accompanies you discreetly.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With Mercury and Venus in zone eight, those who are omitting to tell some truths are going to be intimidated. Your healing and playful word will be shedding light on the shadow. Attentive to the reagents, who, tooth and nail, will be defending their skin and their lies. Don’t shut up.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . In your work, you place yourself at the center of opportunity. Productive ideas, advances and a prestige that grows with your effectiveness, which does not go unnoticed. Excellent energy from the beginning in this sector of your life.

LOVE AND SEX . The quality of the bond you are building is put to the test. In a relationship that is not entirely consistent, it will be necessary to make some adjustments. A real bond matures and grows stronger.

THE CHALLENGE . Collaborate with those who need help.

THE OPPORTUNITY . A “coincidence” will allow you to diagnose reality.

YOUR ALLY . Virgo, with his good sense and care, allows you to reach a clarity that soothes you.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With Mars and the Moon in the highest area of ​​your map, a lot of good work activity. It is time to materialize growth, but be careful with your critical mind, which with its excessive judgment can inhibit the power that this energetic drawing fosters.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . With the Sun in your eighth house, the universe gives you the possibility of quieting your mind, of conserving the awareness of that stillness and of making any decision from that coherence. Or … to explode irrationally without understanding that everything you live is absolutely perfect.

LOVE AND SEX . All of your others are going to be mirrors of your unconscious modes, even your partner. Look deeply at others (especially in the anger that arises in you) and know that in yourself you will find the opening towards a repair or towards an absolute change.

THE CHALLENGE. Allow you to think freely without preconceptions.

THE OPPORTUNITY . Your capacity for action, fully.

YOUR ALLY . Pisces will tell you where to go.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With Mercury at six, the path of this month in your work will be full of curves, counter curves and some contrasts, but in this trial-error course your talent will be seducing and achieving everything you set out to achieve.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . With the Moon and Mars in zone nine on your map, it won’t be easy to change your mind. Advice: do not try to convince anyone of what you think is true or get lost in the back and forth of suggestions from others, but beware of inflexible positions.
LOVE AND SEX . You will not tolerate dependencies or invasions, you will be making an important order in your entire emotional world with good sense and firmness. If you are in a relationship, there, a sharp look to make sure you are with the right person before opening up to a greater surrender. Pay attention.

THE CHALLENGE . Letting go of the fear of breaking perfection.

THE OPPORTUNITY . An extra money that you did not expect.

YOUR ALLY . With Leo, you will have a lot of vision in a shared project.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With the Moon and with Mars in your eighth house, you are going to dig until you find what is most hidden in you and in others. Even if you try to avoid it or disguise yourself as a light person, inside you, an emotional turbulence in total boiling. Be careful, this can be complicated if you retain such a voltage.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . Your expressive capacity, enhanced with Mercury and with Venus in your fifth house. You will be fertile to shape all creative events: a personal project, children, an independent venture. Everything that has your brand is waiting for you to authorize its departure.

LOVE AND SEX . In love, high decibels, deep and stormy labyrinths or an absolute and healing transformation. Everything but nothing with whoever you share emotions, fluids, sex and breakfast.

THE CHALLENGE . Not controlling your internal volcano.

THE OPPORTUNITY . Not controlling your inner volcano (this time, the challenge and the opportunity are the same).

YOUR ALLY . Aries embraces your intensity.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With three planets in the deepest zone of your zodiac wheel, photographs and memories of the past will shoot from within you, even with a certain nostalgia. It is an excellent time to heal old family wounds that are still unhealed.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . Changes within work teams stimulate greater freedom in your thinking. You are going to incorporate absolutely new ideas that before you didn’t even dare to look askance. As of
LOVE AND SEX . Humor, play and creativity are going to be condiments that cannot be lacking in the field of love. You will be available to live an intense passion, even irresistible, but without ties, without controls, without dependencies. Enjoy it!

THE CHALLENGE . Do not disperse before the infinity of variables.

THE OPPORTUNITY . Economic emancipation.

YOUR ALLY . Cancer, incredibly, gives you the key to break a habit that is time to let go.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH. Your operability is going to intermingle with the ingenuity of Mercury and with the fluidity of Venus. You are going to be doing two and a thousand things at the same time. In your work, important progress, surprising contacts and even more surprising proposals as of 13.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . You will hear very clearly what your nourishing and wise essence has to reveal to you. A profound change allows you to loosen your fear of exploring the realms of your inner nature. Moment of understanding what is beyond what is “ordered.”

LOVE AND SEX . The channels of communication with your love, open and active. A kind of youthful joy runs through the bond you are in. If you are not in a relationship, your availability to jump into passion opens up to the best option.

THE CHALLENGE . Try unexplored paths.

THE OPPORTUNITY . Intimacy beats understanding and everything flows.

YOUR ALLY . With Pisces, a perfect space for fun appears.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With Mercury in the money zone, a variety of different options to move towards a platform and more sustainable economy. Do not neglect the details, because there will be the signs that will indicate which of all is the best.

WHERE TO TAKE IT ACTION. You will feel that work matters go smoothly without tension or conflict. Also: a new address is on the way where there will be room for you to develop with more personal initiative or with your own independent project.

LOVE AND SEX . Your “inner lover” will be giving you very clear signals about what needs to change so that you can establish more nutritious and fuller unions. Love, powerfully, comes to move your heart. Don’t romanticize, but don’t miss it either!

THE CHALLENGE . Explore your emotional intensity without fear.

THE OPPORTUNITY . A revealing and exciting adventure within the field of work.

YOUR ALLY . Aries puts on the table what he feels.


YOUR PLANETS THIS MONTH . With Mars and the Moon inhabiting zone four of your zodiacal wheel, you will be cleaning your home of all that is not said, you will be taking off your shoes from heavy loads inherited from your clan. A stimulating energy circuit generates a vital energy field in your emotional world.

WHERE TO TAKE ACTION . Your experience, your knowledge and your word are capitalized and with them you dive with confidence in an unprecedented work project that captures you from the beginning because of the attractiveness. Also, a new entry of money from 19. Everything to celebrate.

LOVE AND SEX . “Not more of the same”, say the planets for you in love. A very stimulating encounter with someone who turns your head, but without so much novel and with a lot of conscience. The surprise factor, present and with a favorable wind.

THE CHALLENGE . Define yourself with intense freedom.

THE OPPORTUNITY . A deserved award.

YOUR ALLY . Leo gives you a suggestion that is perfect.

By Ana Bilsky

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