Friday, September 20

VIDEO: “It's a slob,” says priest about the use of face masks in the face of COVID-19

VIDEO: “Es una babosada”, dice sacerdote sobre el uso de cubrebocas ante COVID-19

Face mask.

Photo: JOHANNES EISELE / AFP / Getty Images

A Catholic priest raised strong controversy for his strong criticism against the use of face masks, as a sanitary measure to prevent the spread of the coronavirus , his displeasure with this provision of the authorities was such that tore the mask off a woman who attended mass and threw it into the air.

The father was identified as Rolando Peña , of 60 years, who caused controversy during the celebration of Palm Sunday , where he assured that the use of the mask “was a bullshit” .

And not only that, but he asked those attending the mass to remove the mask and follow his example, not to use it and not to be afraid of the pandemic.

Priest asks not to wear mask in public spaces

He said that the not afraid of cont become agitated, despite being surrounded by people during religious celebrations.

The use of face masks is a measure issued by the health authorities in public spaces, to avoid the spread of COVID – 19, pandemic that he has been in for more than a year.

Father Peña, who offers his religious services in the municipality of Corquín, in the department of Copán, in Honduras, assured that What surrounds the use of face masks are economic and not sanitary purposes.

Criticizes the use of face masks, says it is for economic purposes

So he took advantage of that criticism to rip the mask off a woman and threw it into the air, which has provoked strong criticism, after the facts were recorded and shared on social networks.

“Let’s not lose our culture, our religion. Look, I look at all this bullshit, go. Shit “, exclaimed the priest, as he took off a woman’s mask, while some parishioners laughed and others were surprised by the priest’s words.

” Look how I walk, go. Take it off! “, said the priest, as some parishioners began to remove their masks.

In the background a woman was heard saying “Somehow we are going to die”, while more people laughed and followed the advice of the priest to take off the mask.

What do you think?

“Look, I look at this crap, go shit! Ahh take it off”

The words of a priest to a lady with her mask, in the celebration of Palm Sunday (yesterday) in Corquín, Copán, Honduras. pg3LB

– El Guaro✪ (@_elguaro_ ) March 29, 2021

Your disagreement with the use of the masks, went further, that even prohibited parishioners from wearing masks , which surprised people who followed the transmission of the mass through a local television channel.

Criticisms against the Catholic priest did not wait for minimizing one of the sanitary measures to prevent the spread of the infections of coronavirus .

And after he was floored on social networks, Father Peña said that it was a joke that he asked the parishioners not to wear masks, since he even wears it.

Priest offers apologies for criticize use of masks

He stated that it was only a joke, that it was misinterpreted, and he apologized for his sayings in one of the maxims celebrations of the Catholic world, which is Palm Sunday.

“We have to have confidence in God. This crap (the mask), I use it, but this is not going to save me from cancer, anemia or any other disease. People misunderstand the things that I say ”. indicated the priest.

The world lives in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed the lives of almost 3, 000, 03 of people, according to the Johns Hopkins University.

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