Saturday, October 5

Caravan of 400 immigrants leaves Honduras for the United States

Mobilization will face greater restrictions in Guatemala and Mexico

Caravana de 400 inmigrantes sale de Honduras hacia Estados Unidos Caravana de 400 inmigrantes sale de Honduras hacia Estados Unidos

The immigrants in the new caravan will face a waiting crowd of asylum seekers.

Photo: John Moore / Getty Images


A group of some 400 Honduran migrants left this Tuesday towards the point of Corinto, bordering Guatemala, as part of a caravan that is heading to the United States , despite the risks of the trip and the measures announced by the Guatemalan authorities to contain the mobilization.

The migrants left the Gran Central Metropolitana on foot, the main bus terminal in San Pedro Sula, north of the country, the second most important city in the country, with an extended flag of their country in blue and white and singing the national anthem.

The group concentrated Monday night at the bus terminal with the idea of ​​going out in a caravan, although At first they were not clear if they would go through Corinto or Agua Caliente, another border point with Guatemala.

In the mobilization go children –some unaccompanied–, women and men .

“We are leaving because we lost everything, some due to the (coronavirus) pandemic and others because of the floods (that caused) storms Eta and Iota (last November) ”, he said One of the migrants who did not identify himself by name.

He pointed out that he is going with two children and a brother, and they come from the department of Francisco Morazán, where Tegucigalpa is located. the Honduran capital.

Since March 2020, when the covid pandemic – 19 began to expand in Honduras, 4, 585 people have died, while close to 188, have been infected , according to figures from the state National Risk Management System (Sinager).

Since February, the migrant caravan has been promoted on social networks, a modality that began in October from 2018 into San Pedro Sula, who expect to arrive in the United States, despite the immigration authorities of that country, Guatemala and Mexico, have warned that they will not allow the entry of people who move from irregular manner.

On Monday, the Government of Guatemala announced a state of prevention in five of the 22 departments of the country to contain the possible arrival of the caravan.

Government decree 3 – 2021 that orders the state of prevention before the “risk of displacement of groups of people with characteristics of migrants ” was signed by the Guatemalan President, Alejandro Giammattei, together with the Vice President, Guillermo Castillo , and the Council of Ministers of State.

The arrival of the planned migratory caravan “would generate a citizen security crisis upon their entry into the country or circulation within it, aggravating the related epidemiological health emergency “, specified the regulation, which will be published on Tuesday in official media.

According to the Guatemalan government, the migrant caravan and the pandemic could put in” danger to the population and authorities of Guatemala, including the migrants themselves, who must also be protected. ”