Thursday, December 19

The ideal plant that helps reduce cholesterol naturally

Avatar of Miguel Escudero

By Miguel Escudero

Dec 19, 2024, 00:31 AM EST

Also known as fenugreek either fenugreekhe fenugreek It is a species of flowering plant, belonging to the family of fabaceaewhich despite not having the popularity of other plants, has become one of the best allies for reduce cholesterol and improve cardiovascular health.

And despite being used in ancient times in the skin care and embalmingtoday this species, native to southwest Asia, has been adapted as a natural complement for reduce bad cholesterol levelswhich also helps to improve the lipid profile.

But what makes this species so special in the treatment of cardiovascular health?

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Credit: Chinnapong | Shutterstock

The benefits of fenugreek on cardiovascular health

According to a series of studies carried out in 2022 by the Faisalabad Agricultural University, Pakistanthis plant has, in just 11 grams, with:

  • 35 calories
  • 3 grams of fiber
  • 3 grams of protein
  • 6 grams of carbohydrates
  • 1 gram of fat

In addition to the above, and based on the same research, this specimen provides 21% of the recommended daily value of iron6% of manganese and 5% of magnesium. These series of properties make fenugreek a very useful supplement to reduce the risk of heart disease.

In the same studies it was highlighted that this plant can help control appetite thanks to its high fiber content. Likewise, it is a great ally in reducing the systolic blood pressure.

Fenugreek also has a series of properties anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial which make it a great ally at the moment in preventing inflammation and the growth of oral infections.

If all of the above were not enough, a study of the National Library of Medicinefrom 2017, revealed that this plant is capable of increase testosterone levels. The investigations carried out revealed, through the results of 50 men who consumed extract of seed of fenugreek Over 12 weeks, 90% experienced an improvement in their libido, mood and energy.

Despite all of the above, it is best to consult with a specialized doctor to integrate this food into your diet.

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