This Wednesday, December 18, we celebrate the Virgin of Expectation or Our Lady of the O, Saint Gatian of Tours, Saint Flanan of Killaloe, Blessed Urban V and Saint Desiderata.
He catholic saints remembers and celebrates several saints and blesseds who left a deep spiritual mark on history.
Through the prayer and intercession of these saints, the faithful seek to strengthen their faith and find comfort in difficult times.
Here we tell you why these saints are the most important ones celebrated on December 18 and how you can ask for their help according to Christian tradition.
Virgin of Expectation or Our Lady of the O
The most notable celebration on December 18 is dedicated to the Virgin of Expectation, also known as Our Lady of the O.
This Marian dedication has a deep meaning related to waiting for the birth of Jesus, since it represents the Virgin Mary in the last days of her pregnancy, anticipating with hope the arrival of the Savior.
The Virgin of Expectation symbolizes patience, faith and hope during moments of waiting. Devotees come to her to ask:
Patience in difficult or uncertain situations.
Protection during pregnancy and childbirth.
Hope and strength to face new beginnings.
In some regions, especially in Spain and Latin America, the festival of Our Lady of the O is also an occasion to perform novenas and special prayers in preparation for Christmas.
San Gaciano de Tours
Saint Gatian was the first bishop of Tours, in France, and is remembered for his tireless evangelizing work during the 3rd century.
He is considered one of the founders of Christianity in the region of Gaul and is patron of the city of Tours.
How does he intercede for you? The faithful often ask Saint Gatian for strength in faith and courage to face spiritual and personal challenges.
St Flanan of Killaloe
Saint Flanan was a 7th century Irish bishop known for his devotion and teaching of the Gospel.
He is credited with founding churches and monasteries in Ireland, leaving a spiritual legacy that endures to this day.
What can you ask of him? He is invoked for wisdom, especially in times of important decisions.
Blessed Urban V
Blessed Urban V was a 14th century pope known for his humility, austerity, and efforts to reform the Church.
He worked tirelessly to restore peace to Europe and strengthen the unity of Christianity.
How can it help you? The faithful pray to him to ask for peace and reconciliation at home and in the world.
Saint Desiderata
Saint Desiderata was a Christian virgin and martyr who dedicated her life to prayer and serving those in need. It is an example of devotion and sacrifice.
How does he intercede for you? It is invoked to obtain spiritual strength and perseverance in times of trial.
How to honor the saints of December 18
If you wish to celebrate the saints of December 18 and seek the intercession of any of the saints mentioned, you can do so through:
Prayer: Dedicate a moment of the day to pray to each saint, asking for their intercession according to your needs.
Lighting a candle: Lighting a white candle symbolizes the light of faith and hope.
Carry out a work of charity: Following the example of the saints, help those who need it most with concrete actions.
Participate in Mass: If possible, attend a liturgical celebration and offer your intentions to the saints of the day.
Keep reading:
• Saints of December 17: what saints are celebrated on this day
• Saints of December 16: what are the saints of the day
• Saints for December 13: these are the saints of the day