Sunday, December 15

The benefits of magnesium in regulating high blood pressure

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By Miguel Escudero

Dec 14, 2024, 10:36 PM EST

Think about the effects of high blood pressuresuch as intense pain in the chest and head, difficulty breathing, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, dizziness, among other symptoms, logically evokes the use of dozens of medications or foods to counteract these effects. Given this, and according to various studies, there is an element that can reduce blood pressure: magnesium.

Initially, this element is capable of reduce blood pressure due to its ability to relax blood vessels. Likewise, the magnesium has the ability to keep the vessels themselves healthy thanks to its characteristics such as antioxidants.

Where is magnesium found?

According to other studies, the magnesium plays a fundamental role in keeping the body healthy, regulating blood sugar as well as its muscular and nervous function. Likewise, it has the ability to help the body create proteins and strengthen bones.

What are the real benefits of magnesium, according to a dietician
Low magnesium levels can exacerbate symptoms of stress and anxiety.
Credit: Sergey Neanderthalec | Shutterstock

Due to the above, and despite the presence of magnesium In a large number of supplements, it is recommended to ingest this nutrient from natural foods thanks to the additional elements that they can provide to the human body such as fiber.

These are some foods rich in magnesium:

  • Potatoes
  • black beans
  • Peanuts
  • Spinach
  • Almonds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • Cashews
  • chia seeds
  • Peanut butter

Regarding the amount of magnesium Suggested consumption is 400 mg for men ages 19 to 30 as well as 420 mg for men ages 31 and older. For women, it is recommended to ingest 310 mg for ages 19 to 30 as well as 320 for women over 31 years of age and older.

In the case of the use of magnesium supplementsthese, according to various studies, have the capacity to reduce high blood pressure in people with diabetes, prediabetes, insulin resistance as well as those patients with heart disease.

Despite the series of advantages of magnesiumit is recommended to consult with your family doctor to design an appropriate diet.

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