Monday, November 25

Briggitte Bozzo responds to Gala Montes' statements

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By Eili Cordova

Gala Montes made it clear in two interviews that Briggitte Bozzo and she are not friends. In her most recent meeting with Yordi Rosado, the actress declared that there was a friendship since she was a child, but the game is already over, and she also hinted that Bozzo criticized her on more than one occasion.

In the midst of this controversy, the Venezuelan was approached by ‘Hoy’, while she was in rehearsals for the play ‘Señorita Presidenta’ and admitted that she has nothing bad against Gala and that she understands that, sometimes, relationships of friendship are not what people imagine.

“I have nothing against her. I believe that friendship relationships may not work as one wants.”

Bozzo mentioned that, sometimes, the media does not help much because they do not take the side of one or the other in certain controversies.

“I think Gala, whether there is friendship or not, I wish her the best. “She is a successful woman, she is a divine woman,” he added.

The Venezuelan also expressed that she hopes that people will come into her life who connect with her.

Among Gala Montes’ statements, several words stand out, but the most important is “incongruent”, she mentioned it in a first interview and with Yordi Rosado she assured: “He is a person with whom I worked as a child and there is a special bond (…) but the game is already over”

She emphasized that Bozzo criticized her “so many times behind his back” that she was not willing to tolerate such behavior.

What did Karime Pindter say?

Another member of ‘The Superposition Girls’ is Karime Pindter and she was approached by the media. Pindter distanced himself, almost completely, from the controversy and expressed that he has a very good relationship with both of them and that perhaps Gala and Briggitte need time to sit down and talk about their differences.

During the reality show, Montes and Bozzo They experienced several moments of tension. The first was when Gala preferred to save Agustín Fernández “because of what she felt for him” than Bozzo.

Another was when the argument between Gala and Adrián Marcelo, Briggitte did not defend her as she expected. In addition, some clips went viral in which the Venezuelan admitted that she wanted to show off “her outfit.”

This situation caused consternation among fans, since Montes went through a difficult problem with the YouTuber.

Upon leaving the reality show, Bozzo preferred to defend a member of his team and counter statements made by the third finalist of ‘La Casa de los Famosos’.

This dispute makes it clear that ‘Las Chicasuperponedoras’ came to an end.

Continue reading:

  • Gala Montes gets upset during the program ‘La Mesa Caliente’
  • Adrián Marcelo speaks against Gala Montes: “I pity her mother”
  • Gala Montes’ mother is upset and calls her daughter “ungrateful”