Monday, October 28

Saints of October 28: Day of Saint Jude Thaddeus, the saint of causes

Every October 28, the Catholic Church celebrates Saint Jude Thaddeus Dayone of the saints most revered by the faithful due to his intercession in difficult and desperate situations.

Saint Jude Thaddeus was one of the twelve apostles of Jesus and is known for his closeness to believers who turn to him in times of distress.

Not to be confused with Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus. For this reason, for many centuries, his devotion remained in the background until he became the patron of impossible causes.

History and meaning of its holiday on October 28

Saint Jude Thaddeus is honored along with Saint Simon the Zealot on October 28, since, according to tradition, both apostles were martyred in Persia for preaching the Christian faith.

The holiday on this day remembers his bravery and sacrifice, making him a symbol of hope and spiritual strength for those facing adverse situations.

San Judas Tadeo is especially popular in Latin American countries, where he is honored with processions, masses, and altars filled with flowers, candles, and offerings.

His image usually represents him with a medal on his chest with the face of Christ, a symbol of his faith and loyalty, and with a staff that refers to his evangelizing work.

What can you ask of Saint Jude Thaddeus?

Saint Jude Thaddeus is known as the saint of difficult or desperate causes. He is prayed to when situations seem hopeless or when circumstances require a miracle. These are some of the areas in which the faithful usually ask for his intercession:

Financial problems

If you are going through financial difficulties or need a job, San Judas Tadeo is a figure you can turn to for guidance and support to get ahead.

Serious illnesses

Those who face complex illnesses or illnesses without a cure often turn to Saint Jude Thaddeus seeking strength and healing.

Family or personal conflicts

If you are going through a family or emotional crisis, praying to Saint Jude can give you peace and clarity to resolve those difficult conflicts.

Complicated legal issues

Saint Jude is also invoked to obtain justice and protection in legal cases, especially those that seem impossible to win.

Prayer to Saint Jude Thaddeus for difficult causes

To connect spiritually with Saint Jude Thaddeus, it is common to pray a special prayer to him. Here we leave you a simple one so that you can invoke it on your day:

“Oh glorious Saint Jude Thaddeus, faithful servant and friend of Jesus,
intercessor of difficult and desperate causes,
I turn to you in my anguish with full confidence.
I ask you to take my supplication to the Almighty
and grant me the grace that I need so much (mention your request).
I promise to never forget your help and to honor your name always.

On his day, many people go to mass in honor of Saint Jude to thank him for his help and ask for new blessings.

It is also common to light a green or white candle as a symbol of hope and spiritual renewal.

If you wish to make a request, place an offering on her altar, such as fresh flowers, and pray with faith and devotion.

Keep reading:
• What to do on St. Michael the Archangel’s Day to ward off evil
• Which saint to pray to if you are looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend
• Which saint can help you find lost things?