Wednesday, October 23

Kamala Harris rejects that Latino voters support Trump more

The vice president Kamala Harris rejects that Latino voters are supporting former President Donald Trump morein response to a question in the interview on Telemundo.

“That is not my experience,” the Democratic presidential candidate responds to journalist Julio Vaqueiro who asks her: “But why, but why is he winning among Latino voters? Not winning, winning, but, you know, winning more voters?”

“My experience is that I talk to Latino voters every day, all the time, and there is an incredible amount of support there, because Latino voters understand that they want a president of the United States who treats all people with dignity, with respect and invests in their dreams for themselves and their family,” Harris said. “Donald Trump, what did we get from him as president? Family separation policies, ridiculing and speaking ill of people from certain backgrounds.”

Previously, Vaquerio asked Vice President Harris why she believes that Latino male voters lean more Republican.

“Listen, Donald Trump has… when he was president, he had policies that I think have been very detrimental to working people. You know, he gave tax cuts to billionaires and the biggest corporations. He will do it again. However…” said the vice president.

Then Vaqueiro insisted and she considered that she is receiving “an incredible amount of support” among Latino voters in places where she goes to campaign.

He added that Project 2025 will represent a problem for Latino populations, including Republican plans on drug costs.

“Let’s see what he intends to do.” [Trump] with Project 2025… I urge your viewers to Google Project 2025. It would cap the cost of… We have capped the cost of insulin at $35 a month for seniors. Latinos are 70% more likely to be diagnosed with diabetes. “He would eliminate our limit,” Harris said.

The vice president also refers to Latino male voters, in the sense that they may face difficulties in obtaining loans for their businesses.

“I know that Latino men, uh… often have a harder time accessing big loans from big banks because of relationships, because of issues that aren’t necessarily based on their qualifications.” [financiera]. Therefore, I am focused on what we can do to bring more capital to community banks that understand the community and can grant these types of loans,” she explained.

The most recent Voto Latino survey reveals that 43% of male voters without a college education support Trump, the highest subgroup in the universe of Latino voters.

A path to citizenship

Harris is questioned about an immigration plan that offers a path to citizenship, since so far the Democratic plan focuses on border security, to block the way to criticism from Republicans.

The vice president said that Trump “blocked” the bipartisan law in the Senate, the most important on border security, but that law does not contemplate a path to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

At Vaqueiro’s insistence, the vice president affirmed that an immigration policy requires contemplating a step to citizenship, but did not say whether she would present such a plan in Congress.

“We need an intelligent and humane immigration policy in the United States that includes a path to citizenship, devoting more resources to the border in terms of security, honoring the history of the United States as a country of immigrants, not vilifying people who are fleeing danger, but creating an orderly system so that they can truly defend their rights,” he said. “That is my position. I stand on the principle that we should not talk about immigrants as if they were “poisoners of America’s blood.”

Keep reading:
• Harris assures that the United States is ready for a president of color
• Harris says her team is prepared in case Trump is declared the winner before official results
• Trump attacked Kamala Harris during a meeting with Latinos