Saturday, October 12

A network of taxi drivers that monitored targets of the La Familia Michoacana cartel falls

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By The Opinion

11 Oct 2024, 7:27 PM EDT

Drug traffickers in Mexico always seek to recruit people from various sectors who can be useful to them, but the authorities make efforts to track their modus operandi and new recruits. This is how a criminal gang made up of six members of a taxi base in the north of the State of Mexico fell, who worked for The Michoacan Family.

The detainees, among whom is a woman, are accused of participating in the disappearance of the security commissioner of Temascalcingo, Agustín Oropeza Armendárizand his escort, which occurred on August 5.

The taxi line operated in the municipalities of Acambay, Temascalcingo and Atlacomulco, and the detainees were site operators and drivers. The woman was the administrator of the taxi site and the alleged leader of the networkwhile the rest of the detainees were vigilantes and informants, according to media such as the newspaper El Universal.

Taxi drivers were charged a fee of one thousand pesos per week; That and other extortion charges towards other taxi bases were delivered to a subject linked to Alfredo Hurtadoalias “El Pez”, already Johnny Hurtadoalias “El Fresa”, brothers and leaders of La Familia Michoacana.

The Attorney General’s Office of the State of Mexico (FGJEM) revealed that Rodolfo “N”, alias “Tuzantla”, one of the detainees, was the head of La Familia Michoacana in the northern part of the state, and would be directly involved in the disappearance of the security commissioner of Temascalcingo.

“It has been established as a hypothesis that the deprivation of liberty of Agustín Oropeza Armendáriz is related to protection activities that the victim carried out for antagonistic criminal groups,” the Prosecutor’s Office reported in a statement, revealing that Oropeza Armendáriz collaborated with the Jalisco New Generation Cartel (CJNG), according to El Universal.

Agustín Oropeza and his escort left the Temascalcingo DIF on August 5 towards the municipality of Acambay. The official vehicle in which they were traveling was found on a road, but there was no trace of the two men.

Security agents identified the route the vehicle followed and arrived at what looked like a “checkpoint.” The unit where the commissioner and his escort were traveling was followed at all times by a taxi with the characteristics of the site linked to criminal activities.

In addition, several taxis served as a retaining wall at the false checkpoint. All this ordered by “Tuzantla”. On the day of the checkpoint, the detained woman asked a driver at the Temascalcingo command to find out the number of patrol cars that were there while the rest of the detainees were in charge of following and reporting to the vehicle where Oropeza and her escort were traveling.

Keep reading:
– The powerful armored vehicles that the Army sent to Sinaloa to contain drug traffickers.
– This was the kidnapping of a businessman who was found decapitated by the CJNG.