Saturday, October 5

RBD wins legal battle!

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By Eili Cordova

04 Oct 2024, 23:29 PM EDT

October 4 has become an emblematic date for RBD, not only for the celebration of its 20th anniversary, but also for a significant legal victory that closes a long judicial process. This day, known as World RBD Day, was marked by the announcement of three of its members: Maite Perroni, Christopher von Uckermann and Christian Chávez, who announced the end of their legal dispute against their former manager, Guillermo Rosas.

Context of legal victory
The legal dispute arose after audits that revealed financial irregularities in Rosas’ management. The members of the group decided to take legal action when they detected an alleged embezzlement.

In their statement, issued in Spanish, English and Portuguese, the artists expressed their satisfaction at achieving justice: “Today, World RBD Day, there is no better way to celebrate than by achieving justice. After a year, this matter has come to an end and the truth is on our side.”

The dispute centered on a claim by Rosas over more than $10 million related to earnings from the group’s live performances in several countries. However, after the judicial process, it was determined that the actual amount he should receive was significantly lower, approximately 4.7 million dollars, which represents a considerable reduction compared to what was initially claimed.

Although Anahí and Dulce María did not directly participate in the litigation nor sign the statement, Anahí commemorated the group’s 20 years with several publications on their social networks, focusing on the celebration of the milestone achieved. The legal victory comes at a crucial time for RBD, which remains a global music phenomenon with a loyal fan base.

The members also took advantage of the occasion to send a message to new talents in the music industry: “We feel the responsibility to address the challenges that may arise in the industry, with our priority being the protection of artists’ rights.” This statement underscores their commitment to fairness and respect for all artists.