Thursday, September 19

The 3 numbers that bring the most luck to your zodiac sign

With the help of stars, numerology and tarot, you can knowr what are the 3 most powerful lucky numbers for your zodiac sign.

These three disciplines have been connected for centuries and mystically influence our daily lives.

Find out what this is Third of numbers for your sign and how these mystical lucky numbers are determined through the combination of astrology, numerology and Tarot.

Aries: 9, 45 and 54

Aries, ruled by Mars, is a sign of action and courage. The number 9, linked to the Emperor Tarot card (arcana 4) and to the 5 of Mars, is crucial for this sign.

When we add 4 and 5, we get 9, a number of strength that empowers Aries. 45 and 54, derived from these combinations, will also resonate positively with Aries energy.

Taurus: 2, 12 and 35

Ruled by Venus, Taurus finds harmony in the number 7, its ruling number. The Pope card (arcana 5) brings an energy of stability that, when added to 7, gives the number 12.

By subtracting and multiplying these numbers, we obtain the other two lucky numbers: 2 and 35. Taurus can use these numbers to maintain balance and attract abundance.

Gemini: 14, 66 and 88

Gemini, a sign of communication ruled by Mercury, vibrates with the numbers 6 and 8.

The Tarot card associated with Gemini is The Lovers (arcana 6), and the number 8 of Mercury enhances this duality.

By doubling the numbers due to their dual nature, we get 66 and 88, while the sum of 6 and 8 gives us 14, numbers that represent the Gemini dynamism.

Cancer: 7, 9 and 63

The sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon and linked to the number 9, has the Chariot (arcana 7) as its Tarot card.

The combination of these numbers gives rise to numbers of protection and emotional security: 7, 9 and 63.

These numbers guide Cancerians to connect with their intuition and protect their personal space.

Leo: 6, 8 and 68

Leo, the sign ruled by the Sun, is associated with the number 6 of its star and the number 8 of the Strength card (arcana 8). By combining these numbers, we obtain the lucky numbers 68 and 86.

These energies drive Leos to seek their inner brilliance and share their light with the world.

Virgo: 8, 9 and 89

The sign of Virgo, with Mercury as its ruler, vibrates with the numbers 8 and 9. Its Tarot card is The Hermit (arcana 9).

By combining and multiplying these numbers, we get 89, 98 and 72, which symbolize Virgo’s precision, analysis and pursuit of perfection.

Pound: 7, 11 and 77

Ruled by Venus, Libra finds a point of balance in the number 7, while its Tarot card is Justice (arcana 11). The multiplication of these numbers produces 77, which represents the search for harmony and justice in the life of Librans.

Scorpio: 10, 13 and 100

Scorpio, with Pluto as its ruler, does not have a specific number associated with its planet. However, the number 0 reflects its transformative nature, while its Tarot card is Death (arcana 13).

The numbers 10, 13 and 100 are key for Scorpio to embrace regeneration and rebirth.

Sagittarius: 4, 14 and 56

Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, vibrates with the number 4. The Tarot card for this sign is Temperance (arcana 14), which links it to the energy of expansion and adventure.

The number 56 arises by multiplying these numbers, inviting Sagittarius to follow their path of growth and learning.

Capricorn: 3, 15 and 45

Capricorn, with Saturn as its ruling planet, is associated with the number 3 and the Devil (arcana 15). Adding these numbers together gives 18, while multiplying them gives 45, numbers that reflect Capricorn’s ambition and perseverance in achieving success.

Aquarium: 1, 11 and 17

The sign of Aquarius, linked to Uranus, has lucky numbers 1 and 11. Its Tarot card is The Star (arcana 17), which indicates that these numbers can help Aquarians attract creativity, innovation and visions of the future.

Pisces: 2, 18 and 36

Pisces, the last sign of the Zodiac, is ruled by Neptune and the number 2. Its Tarot card is The Moon (arcana 18). By adding and multiplying these numbers, we get 20 and 36, which guide Pisceans to trust their intuition and connect with their spirituality.

Continue reading:
• The strategy that will make your sign more successful in money
• Find out which are the most talented signs of the Zodiac
• The 5 zodiac signs that are most successful