Thursday, September 19

Moon square Mars predicts greatness for 4 signs

The Moon will form a planetary aspect with Mars, known as a square, which means the beginning of a period of greatness for 4 signs of the zodiac.

A square in astrology occurs when two planets are 90 degrees or 3 zodiac signs apart.

On September 18, 2024, The Moon will be in Aries and Mars in Cancer.

The signs that will benefit are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Scorpio, according to the predictions of astrologer Ruby Mirada at Your Tango.

And how does the square of the Moon and Mars mark the period of greatness for these signs?

According to the astrologer, one of the blessings of this transit is free ourselves from doubts and have courage.

And for these 4 signs, their life will change as follows:

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

The Moon square Mars gives you more energy to move forward.

You feel that now is the perfect time to take charge and act, whether to achieve a personal goal or to lead others toward something meaningful.

This impulse may seem surprising, but it is actually the result of a deep connection between your mind and intuition.

During this transit, You will feel strong and motivated, both mentally and physically..

You have a clear goal in mind and now you have the courage and determination to make it a reality. This is the time to act without hesitation.

All the work you do during this phase will lead you to a state of peace and personal satisfaction, which will make you feel completely in control of your destiny.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Cancer, the Moon in Aries square Mars gives you a special gift: a sense of time.

During this transit, you will be able to clearly identify when is the right time to act.

This push will allow you to make brave decisions that you have been putting off; what was holding you back before now seems irrelevant.

This is the ideal time to start an important change in your life, whether personal or professional.

Self-confidence will be your main ally, and with it, you will feel a surge of energy that will allow you to move forward without hesitation.

The best part is that once you take that decisive step, you will know exactly what to do next. This transit empowers you, giving you more control over your life and your actions.

Pound (September 23 – October 22)

Libra, this transit invites you to reflect. The Moon in Aries square Mars pushes you to review your actions and analyze whether you have been making the right decisions.

Although it may seem like an uncomfortable process, it is necessary for your growth.

This is the time to admit possible mistakes and, most importantly, learn from them.

The goal is to free yourself from behavioral patterns that no longer serve you.which will pave the way to a more balanced and happier life.

During this phase, you will feel pushed to let go of addictions, bad habits, or anything that is holding you back.

Although it may be difficult at first, this transit gives you the courage to make significant changes in your life.

By taking responsibility for your actions, you will experience an emotional release that will allow you to move forward more easily.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Scorpio, on September 18th you will witness a powerful cosmic push that will allow you to take control in important situations.

The Moon in Aries square Mars gives you a sense of security in your decisions, which will allow you to lead with confidence.

While you don’t always enjoy caring for others, This transit will place you in a natural leadership position. and you will know that the path you have chosen is the right one.

This cosmic aspect brings you a burst of energy that you can’t ignore.

You will be forced to assume responsibilities that will lead you to be a guide for others.

People will look to you as a beacon of light, looking to you for direction and advice to move forward.

This is a crucial time for you to trust yourself and your abilities. The Universe supports you and is pushing you towards a role of greater responsibility and power.

Continue reading:
• Mercury is in Virgo for the second time: what happens to your sign
• 5 signs undergo a transformation as 2024 comes to an end
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