Thursday, September 19

Mexico's independence is undermined by violence; five states cancel national holidays

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By The Opinion

Sep 14, 2024, 3:20 PM EDT

The escalation of violence in some states of Mexico has led its leaders to cancel the National Holidays on the occasion of Mexico’s Independence to be celebrated on the night of September 15 and Monday the 16th.

Although the military presence has increased in several states, the groups of organized crime have raised alarms over the escalating violence in some regions.

Such is the case of Culiacan, Sonora, who to this day has reported clashes for five consecutive daysleaving 15 people dead, 20 forcibly disappeared and 12 more injured, all considered innocent victims, according to the local prosecutor’s office.

On Friday alone, the Secretariat of Public Security received a call to report gunshots inside a home. It is known that the property is owned by a municipal police officer, who was not unharmed.

In addition, the presence of Human remains in front of an elementary school; Police reported that it was a head abandoned in a box with leftover pizza.

After this wave of violence, the governor of Sinaloa, Rubén Rocha Moya announced that the Mexican Independence celebrations would be cancelled “I want to announce that we have decided that the Grito celebration on September 15 will be suspended, there will be no celebration, neither public nor private.”

More towns cancel festivities

Sinaloa has joined Galeana, Nuevo Leon, who after several criminal acts, preferred to cancel the celebrations.

“The city council of Galeana, Nuevo León, in agreement and by unanimous decision, informs the citizens that in accordance with the exceptional circumstances and in order to guarantee the safety and protection of all, Public celebrations and festivities on September 15 and 16 have been suspended“, the authorities reported.

The municipality of Cotijalocated in Michoacán, informed its inhabitants that in their town The celebrations will not take place either following the acts of violence recorded in recent days in municipalities such as Aquila, Chinicuila, Uruapan and Morelia.

“After a thorough analysis and in agreement with the school directors, we have come to the conclusion that currently Our municipality is not in optimal conditions to hold the traditional parade on September 16, as well as all related civic and sporting activities,” reported the Cotija City Council.

In 13 states of ChiapasComalapa Border, Chicomuselo, The Greatness, Bellavista, Siltepec. The Future, Motozintla, Bejucal de Ocampo, Wood marzipanAmatenango de la Frontera, Pantelho and Altamirano, will not celebrate the festivities.

Continue reading:
– 9 dead and 14 missing reported due to war between people from “El Mayo” and Los Chapitos.
– “Don’t get off”: Bus driver records hitmen warning of shootings in Sinaloa.