Thursday, October 3

Juan Soler remembers the day he almost lost his life

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By Pillar of the Castle

Aug 31, 2024, 2:32 PM EDT

Although currently Juan Soler Although you may have the life you always dreamed of, the path to the top of success was not always clear. It was an important event that almost caused him to lose his life, which motivated him to pursue becoming an actor outside of his native Argentina.

According to what the famous person revealed in an interview for the program “Sale el Sol”, the accident happened while he was driving during the early morning.

“Going from one field to another, from La Raqueña to Santa Lucía, that’s what the fields are called, I had a terrible accident on the road because I fell asleep, I was doing a lot of activity and that day I had woken up at 4 in the morning and at 2 in the afternoon I was going from one field to the other.“, he explained.

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Unfortunately, Juan Soler’s sleep eventually got the better of him, causing him to lose control of the vehicle he was in: “I had a head-on collision with a van. You see the car and it is impossible to believe that someone got out of there alive.”

As a result of this experience, he decided to pursue his dream of becoming an actor, which is why he moved from Argentina to Mexico, the country where he currently resides: “That’s when I made the decision to leave absolutely everything and leave my country. I said: ‘I almost killed myself, I want to live life.’ Unconsciously, I decided to live many lives in one, and that’s how I got into acting,” he added.

The soap opera heartthrob recalled that during this 180-degree change his mother was his greatest accomplice: “My mother helped me buy the ticket and I arrived in Mexico to knock on doors on the side of Periférico,” he said.

Juan Soler and the romantic surprise he gave Paulina Mercado in the middle of the program | VIDEO

After this bitter experience, success began to knock on Juan Soler’s door, and he got his first opportunity on television: “My first opportunity was alongside Christian Bach, whom I remember fondly. My father was Don Ernesto Alonso. Having a script to work on the largest Spanish-speaking television station in the world was a dream come true. I came to write soap operas. Writing soap operas is a real pleasure for me.“, he shared.

To conclude his story, the actor added that having moved not only brought with it achievements in the professional field, but on a personal level he built a family made up of his daughters Mía, Azul and Valentina.