Wednesday, September 18

Opposition threatens to prevent Sheinbaum's inauguration

Avatar of Maribel Velazquez

By Maribel Velazquez

Aug 29, 2024, 11:32 AM EDT

After the president of Mexico, Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, assured that the president-elect agrees with the need for judicial reform, the spokesman for the National Civic Front, Guadalupe Acosta Naranjothreatened to prevent Claudia Sheinbaum from taking office if Morena and its allies give “fast track” to the reform of the Judicial Branch of the Federation.

Through a video, the former PRD deputy was very clear in saying that will take over the Senate of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputiesin addition, will call for a march if the proper legislative process is not followed in the initiative.

“If the process is not respected and rapid approvals are made, violating parliamentary procedure, we will advance the mobilization scheduled for September 8“, he noted.

Acosta’s first action will be taking the Senate and then San Lázaroto do the same with Sheinbaum’s inauguration.

“We will call on all organizations to take over San Lázaro before the end of September to prevent Claudia Sheinbaum from taking office“he sentenced.

The spokesperson for the National Civic Front also highlighted that There is still a chance to stop constitutional changesboth in terms of the Judiciary and in relation to the autonomous bodies that, according to him, “want to disappear”.

“We call for making the defense of the Judiciary the most important task; Workers, judges and ministers are fighting, we will not leave them alone,” he said.

Naranjo also stated that he cannot continue acting in this way“passive” in the face of one of the “great violations of the regime.”

“We will not leave them, we will not let our guard down, we will not stop fighting.nor are we going to give up, they cannot buy everyone, they cannot threaten everyone, there is a front and there are many to fight,” he said.

Objectives of the Reform of the Judicial Branch

  • A new integration of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation.

Efficiency, austerity and transparency in the Supreme Court.

  • Popular election of Ministers, Magistrates and Judges.

Democratic legitimacy of those who administer justice.

  • Replacement of the Federal Judiciary Council.

Independent administrative and disciplinary bodies.

  • New procedural rules.

Expeditious justice and balance between powers.

If the reform is approved in September, Mexicans will go to the polls starting in 2025 to elect judges, magistrates and ministers of the Supreme Court.

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