Wednesday, September 18

$100 million investment to boost health coverage among Latinos and other populations

To expand affordable health coverage, the federal government relies on organizations, known as “navigators” or the Navigator system, that help populations such as Latinos, for which it has now allocated $100 million in investment.

What are “navigators” exactly? “Navigators” offer enrollment assistance to individuals, families, small businesses and their employees to obtain qualified health insurance, in this case following the Affordable Care Act (ACA), also known as Obamacare.

“The Biden-Harris Administration believes that health care should be a right. We are committed to ensuring that all communities and individuals are enrolled in high-quality, affordable health coverage,” said Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra. “To help make that possible, we are making the largest investment in the history of the Navigator program.”

Becerra noted that the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris has guided and enrolled millions of people in quality health coverage.

“[Eso] “HHS has contributed to the lowest uninsured rate in our nation’s history, including record enrollment in communities that are often left behind,” he told this newspaper. “HHS will continue to redouble its efforts so that we can reach people where they are, increase coverage, and save lives.”

What are the funds used for?

The $100 million investment announced Monday will go to vital organizations that provide guidance to citizens and businesses through, the Health Insurance Marketplace®.

“The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is awarding the grants, in advance of this year’s Marketplace Open Enrollment (beginning November 1, 2024), to 44 navigator beneficiaries in states using,” the Biden-Harris Administration confirmed.

This effort is not limited, as it is part of a commitment of up to $500 million over five years, which has been the most extensive in an administration.

“Thanks to President Biden and Vice President Harris, health coverage under the Affordable Care Act is more popular than ever and more affordable than ever. Today, we are redoubling our efforts to make it easier for millions of Americans, including those in historically underserved communities, to access affordable, quality health coverage,” said Neera Tanden, White House Domestic Policy Advisor.

Information in Spanish can be found on the website.
Credit: Impremedia

Latinos and health insurance

Tanden highlighted that this effort by the Biden-Harris Administration, since its implementation, has allowed a 95% increase in coverage among the Latino and black populations.

“These additional investments in navigators will help even more underserved communities better understand the affordable coverage options available to them, ensuring that more Americans can get the vital health care they deserve,” she said.

Navigators offer free assistance and help with reviewing available plans, how to complete eligibility and enrollment forms, and post-enrollment services such as how to use coverage to receive medical care.

There are several additional services they offer, such as helping people enroll in or renew Medicaid and Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) coverage.

“Everyone in this Administration believes that health care is a fundamental right for all, not a privilege for a few,” said CMS Administrator Chiquita Brooks-LaSure. “We continue to stand by that promise by ensuring that the millions of people who still need coverage know that affordable options are available.”

Essential information for health insurance

Those interested in affordable health insurance – and any other insurance – should take into account the following:

– For more information about this year’s Navigator beneficiaries, visit – For more details about Marketplace open enrollment, which will run from Nov. 1, 2024, through at least Jan. 15, 2025 (and longer in some states), visit