Wednesday, September 18

AMLO calls economic warnings about his reform of the judiciary “speculation”

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By The Opinion

26 Aug 2024, 11:33 AM EDT

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador on Monday called “speculation” the alarms that have been raised by his reform to elect the Judicial Power by popular vote between national and foreign investors, especially due to the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC).

“No (there is economic risk). Look, there has been a lot of speculation on this issue by our adversaries and by those who do not want democracy, they are showing their true colors (exposing themselves), they do not want the people to decide,” the president responded to a direct question at his morning press conference.

The Mexican ruler dismissed international criticism of his judicial reform, which will be voted on Monday in the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the Congress of the Union so that, Starting in 2025, there will be elections to choose judges, magistrates and ministers of the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN).

In particular, he questioned what was reported in media such as the Washington Post, which published an editorial on Sunday in which it supported the comments of the United States ambassador to Mexico, Ken Salazar, who last week warned that judicial reform puts democracy at risk and the trade relationship between both countries.

AMLO calls it
Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President of Mexico.
Credit: Isaac Esquivel | EFE

Lopez Obrador accused his opponents of “continue with the same thing of going to lobby”procedures, formalities, of convincing foreign newspapers.”

“As if it were the Bible, as if what they say is the last word, when those famous media, the Washington Post, the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, are dominated by the interests of the oligarchies,” he said.

Rating agencies such as Fitch and financial institutions such as CitiBanamex and Morgan Stanley have also warned about the risk of approving the reforms proposed by López Obrador, particularly that of the Judiciary, due to the uncertainty it causes among investors.

But The president of Mexico has rejected criticism from abroad, saying that the country lives in an “authentic democracy” while “in the United States, with all due respect, and in other countries, in Europe, they need a transformation, a shake-up.”

“They have not been able to undermine us, affect us, or weaken us, because our people are very aware, they are one of the most advanced peoples in the world. Mexico is living a stellar moment in history, it is one of the most politicized peoples in the world,” he said.

With information from EFE.

Continue reading:
• AMLO asks the five richest men in Mexico to debate Congress and the reform of the Judicial Branch
• AMLO asks the United States not to intervene in judicial reform after Ambassador Salazar’s opinion
• Mexican Elections: Thousands of migrants wait in long lines to cast their votes at Mexican Consulates in the US