Tuesday, September 17

A school with clear values ​​and objectives

Today’s Fresh Start Charter School (TFSCS) aims to prepare its students to face challenges not only academically, but also professionally, personally, and emotionally.

The institution seeks to keep its students motivated and enthusiastic about learning at each stage of their educational path.

The school serves children from kindergarten through eighth grade and is currently open for enrollment.
Another advantage of Today’s Fresh Start is that it is an entity that focuses on science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics (STEAM) learning.

According to the school’s website, people educated in the 21st century will have a vast arsenal of knowledge to draw upon to achieve success in a highly competitive, educated, technical and sophisticated society.

Through a rigorous academic culture, TFSCS prides itself on teaching students self-reliance, self-discipline, responsibility, and most importantly, learning to get along with others and resolve conflicts through empathy and communication.

The school was founded in 2002 by Dr. Jeanette Grattan Parker, who has been educating children since she was 10, tutoring children in housing projects in Birmingham, Alabama.

Today, the school offers free, high-quality education at two schools in Los Angeles and one in Compton, serving predominantly Latino communities.

TFSCS has a student population drawn from other districts including LAUSD, Lynwood, Long Beach, Compton, Hawthorne, and Inglewood.

For this institution, each student must learn to use cutting-edge technology and for that reason, they are led by fully trained school staff.

TK-8 students have individual computers for school use, Promethean Smart Boards in class, and other resources.

TFSCS features small class sizes, small group instruction, individualized instruction, after-school tutoring until 4pm, Saturday enrichment, and Extended Learning After School Program (ASES).

In addition, it is essential for school staff to have basic knowledge in the subjects of language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, geography and history.

However, that knowledge must be accompanied by an appreciation for their surroundings and the performing arts, according to TFSCS.

For the school, this combined knowledge enables people to work cooperatively and to understand and respect people from diverse cultural and social backgrounds.

In addition to its academic philosophy, Today’s Fresh Start has three core values: a focus on instruction, partnerships, and continuous improvement.

Currently, TFSCS has partnerships with universities such as UCLA, LMU, Pepperdine, USC and also with the Los Angeles Police Cadets.

According to the school, the saying “It takes a village to raise a child” is valid because they say that it takes working together to move toward a common mission of navigating a complex society.

TFSCS is a member of the National Elementary Honor Society and National Junior Honor Society.
These associations are WASC, NHSE, and NHSJ Honors, which assist all students graduating from eighth grade through high school and provide more assurance that students will graduate from college.

TFSCS also offers a variety of resources to support students through 24/7 personal tutoring, in-person independent study classes, and after-school programs.

According to the school’s website, each staff member at the school strives to ensure that “every student can achieve MET/EXCEED, which according to California state standards, consists of implementing an academically stimulating learning environment with rigorous, data-driven instruction and challenging curriculum, providing a safe haven, and a nurturing environment in which students, staff, families, and community members engage and contribute.”

Through over 7 years of collaboration with UC San Diego, TFSCS sponsors its teachers to obtain advanced credentials through UC San Diego’s customized classes.