Tuesday, September 17

Arturo Carmona sends a message to Alicia Villarreal after infidelity controversy

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By Pillar of the Castle

Aug 10, 2024, 12:17 PM EDT

The name of the Mexican singer Alicia Villarreal has made headlines after her live reaction to rumors about alleged infidelity by her husband Cruz Martinez. Although the famous woman has already assured that she will resolve any doubts in this regard privately, Reactions to the controversy have not been long in coming, with those coming from people in her close circle gaining relevance, including her ex-husband Arturo Carmona..

In a recent meeting with the press, the former participant of “La Casa de los Famosos” could not avoid questions regarding the wave of rumors that plague the mother of his daughter. In this regard, he indicated that he has no knowledge of what is happening in the singer’s marriage.

“Oh, well, I’m not aware of that matter. I can’t comment on something I haven’t seen, and it’s a couple’s matter that they have to resolve. I don’t know what they’re up to.”he said.

Under this same premise, Arturo Carmona argued that the respect and affection he has for the interpreter of “Insensible a ti” prevents him from becoming part of the situation: “What I can tell you, and I repeat, is that they have my support as a family, because we are, and I wish that they are as well as possible. Whatever decision they make in the future, I don’t know what’s really going on, because, as I said, it’s a two-way street. I hope that the family, the children and my daughter are the least affected by any decision they make.“, he said.

Arturo Carmona speaks like never before about his breakup with Alicia Villarreal

In the interview broadcast by the program “Ventaneando,” the heartthrob of stories such as “Fugitivas” and “Mar de amor” indicated that regardless of the passage of time, his appreciation for the mother of his daughter Melanie remains intact.

“We have always gotten along well, always. As I have said, we are family. I will always care that my daughter’s mother is well, that she is in a positive environment, a healthy environment, because my daughter will be,” he said in conclusion.

Arturo Carmona reveals if there is a possibility of reviving the love between him and Aracely Arámbula

The controversy surrounding singer Alicia Villarreal began after some photographs were released in which the music producer was allegedly caught with a mysterious woman in a nightclub, while the famous woman was on a publicity tour in Mexico City.

Despite the stir caused by her reaction and the sensitivity of the matter, the famous woman chose not to make any further statements on the matter. And instead, she resolved her problems at home: “I’m going to take my time. I’m going to sit down and talk, and it’s an adult relationship. We’re adults. We’ve seen a lot of things. Some of it has been true. Some of it hasn’t been true, but I’m not surprised.“, he said in an interview with ‘De Primera Mano’.