Wednesday, September 25

The producer of “Hoy” says that Adrián Marcelo “does not fit” in the program

Avatar of Julio Cortes

By Julio Cortes

06 Aug 2024, 23:19 PM EDT

In the early days of “The House of the Famous Mexico 2” comedian Adrian Marcelo He told him Sian Chong that one of his objectives after his participation in that reality show is to position himself as a driver, and that he is determined to take away the job from Arath of the Tower (another of the participants) in the television program “Today”However, it has now been confirmed that this will not happen.

“LCDLFM 2”: Gala argues strongly with Adrián

Andrea Rodriguezproducer of the morning show, was interviewed by several reporters, and He said that there is no proposal in his plans for Marcelo to join that program.: “The truth is that I am not a fan of Adrian MarceloI don’t like the kind of journalism he does, and I say it openly, I don’t like it and I don’t think a host like him could fit in “Today”“.

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Rodriguez emphasized that the concept of “Hoy” is opposite to the type of humor that Adrian Marcelo handles: “In the end I am not the one who decides, but I do believe that Adrián Marcelo is not the type of driver who fits in “Today”We have a lot of housewives, I think we make a nice program, friendly“.

The producer added that they are waiting for Arath de la Torre to finish his participation in “La Casa De Los Famosos México 2”and who has always supported him: “The truth is that we are waiting for Arath when he comes out, and we are team Arath, and we’re going all out, and let’s hope that this week is saved, and that they continue here (in “Today”) Carlos Arenas, Nicola Porcella and Marie Claire Harp“.

Following the heated argument between Adrián Marcelo and Gala Montes on Monday night, the Monterrey native has received all kinds of comments on social media. Andrea Legarretatitular driver of “Today”posted on his account Instagram a message that, although it does not include Adrian’s name, would be related to the comedian’s behavior: “Your apology has to be as strong, as loud and as real, as your lack of respect was. Being “sincere” is not being RUDE, HURTFUL, AGGRESSIVE… Being “joking” is not being HUMILIATING, CRUEL, OFFENSIVE…”

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