Tuesday, September 17

California fast food workers demand more money

Four months after receiving an increase in the minimum wage from $16 to $20 an hour, the union that represents hundreds of Thousands of California fast food workers plan to ask for another raise for their employees.

Representatives of the California Fast Food Workers Union, a branch of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU)presented the wage demand this Wednesday at the first meeting of the state Fast Food Council.

We’ve sent a letter to the Council outlining our priorities, today we’re making clear our demands for fair wages, fair working conditions, and fair hours. pic.twitter.com/oIJ9CueyLN

— California Fast Food Workers Union (@CAFastFoodUnion) July 31, 2024

The panel is made up of government-appointed officials, industry representatives and worker representatives. Their task is to develop standards for California’s fast food industry, including wages..

Keep reading: Fast food workers in California see their hours cut

On April 1, 2024, California fast food workers received an increase in the minimum wage to $20 an hour.

According to the union’s lawsuit, it requests that The minimum wage will increase to $20.70 per hour starting January 1, 2025.

Besides, The union also demands more stable schedulesbroader oversight of back pay owed to employees and an investigation into what it calls “widespread abuses” in the fast food industry, including wage theft, harassment, discrimination and unsafe conditions.

“As California’s fast food industry grows, Cooks and cashiers are stepping up their fight across the state to win safe and healthy storesstable schedules, wages that keep up with inflation, and training to understand their rights on the job,” the lawsuit says.

Keep reading: In-N-Out raises burger prices in California over minimum wage law

Trade groups and some political experts said the mandatory wage increase that took effect on April 1, 2024 It cost the state jobs and forced the closure of restaurants.

However, according to the SEIU and the Office of Governor Gavin Newsom, the fast food industry added thousands of jobs from the date the wage increase went into effect through June.

“It’s been really good because I can put more food on the table and in my fridge, Paying rent on time, which was always a challenge“Wendy’s Oakland employee Romualda Alcázar Cruz told KXTL-TV.

Keep reading: Fast food prices in California have risen by 8% since minimum wage hike

SEIU Executive Vice President Joseph Bryant said the industry not only added jobs, but Several franchisees noted that higher pay attracts better job candidates, which reduces turnover..

One of the negative points that the increase in salaries brought was the rise in fast food prices in California.

Although not all, most of the large chains increased the prices of their dishes. The franchisees They also acknowledged having reduced their employees’ working hours or having rescheduled fewer shifts..

Keep reading: Fast food prices rise after California minimum wage hike

“I have been forced to raise prices. I try to do the best I can. I’ve taken money out of my own savings to make things work this last quarter.”But I don’t know how long I can sustain something like that in the future,” one Arby’s franchisee told the board at Wednesday’s meeting.

California Restaurant Association President and CEO Jot Condie, who opposed AB 1228’s minimum wage increase, said: Businesses are simultaneously feeling the pressure of rising rents and food costs.

“When labor costs increase more than 25% overnight, any restaurant business, with already tight margins, will be forced to reduce spending in other areas“Condie said.

Keep reading: What types of restaurants are exempt from California’s fast food minimum wage law?

“They don’t have many options Beyond raising prices, reducing business hours or reduce the size of their workforce,” he added.

It is not expected that The Fast Food Council will have a next meeting before Septemberand it remains unclear whether SEIU’s proposal for another minimum wage increase will pass.

Keep reading:
· Which fast food workers in California will be paid $20 an hour?
· California fast food businesses cut staff over new $20 minimum wage
McDonald’s franchisee faces challenge over $20 minimum wage in California