Monday, October 7

US could improve its relationship with Latin America under bill proposed by Democrat Kamlager-Dove

A bipartisan bill seeks to formalize U.S. support for the Summit of the Americas, so that the gathering of nations can take place regardless of which party is in power.

The proposal is being sponsored by Democratic Congresswoman Sydney Kamlager-Dove (CA-37), with support from Republican Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar (FL-27) and fellow Democrat Joaquin Castro (TX-20).

This newspaper obtained the four-page bill in an exclusive, which authorizes the Department of State (DOS) to coordinate efforts on the Summit of the Americas in different cities of the Western Hemisphere, including the United States.

“At a time when the future of American global leadership is in doubt, I am proud to introduce this bill that reaffirms our commitment to working with our partners in the Western Hemisphere,” said Rep. Kamlager-Dove.

He added that the Summit of the Americas, held for the last time in Los Angeles, California, in 2022, addresses various global and regional issues, including the climate crisis, migration and inequality, which require regional action.

“This bill counters isolationism by ensuring that the United States will continue to play an important role at the Summit of the Americas and remain a trusted partner in the region,” she said.

The last Summit of the Americas was held in Los Angeles, California, in 2022.
Credit: Evan Vucci | AP

Follow-ups on regional agreements

In addition to organizing meetings related to the Summit of the Americas, the DOS will be able to follow up on the “commitments made during the Summits.”

It may even make recommendations to the National Security Council on such agreements and prepare public reports, which must be sent annually to the House Foreign Relations Committee.

It is stressed that these reports must be submitted for five consecutive years from the date of the agreements established at the summits.

“I am proud to support this initiative to inspire cooperation and build mutual prosperity in the Americas with the United States at the helm,” said Republican Salazar, who warned that China, Russia and Iran are making inroads into the Western Hemisphere.

Multilateral efforts

The Cities Summit allows for agreements between governments, but also integrates private initiatives and civil society, as well as educational institutions.

Congresswoman Kamlager-Dove’s office also highlights the involvement of youth, cultural, arts, and indigenous and underrepresented groups, who can share best practices on cooperation.

“More than any other part of the world, America’s future is intimately tied to that of our neighbors in the Western Hemisphere,” said Democrat Castro.

He said the bill sends a “powerful message” to the region about the U.S. commitment to leading and promoting multilateral progress.

The summit has been held every three years in cities since its inception in 1994, but was last held in Los Angeles in 2022.

“United States support for the Summit of the Americas should not depend on political administration,” the proposal acknowledges.