Sunday, October 6

Trump challenges Biden to prove his ability in a new debate, this time without restrictions

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

05 Jul 2024, 11:56 AM EDT

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has challenged President Joe Biden to face off again, but this time in a different debate, where there are no restrictions on expression.

Through a post on Truth Social, The New York tycoon lashed out at his staunch adversary and invited him to exchange points of view without moderators.

“I have the answer to the riddle of corrupt Joe Biden’s incompetence. Let’s have another debate, but this time without restrictions.

“An all-inclusive debate, just the two of us on stage, talking about the future of our country,” he wrote.

Trump said that waiving overly strict rules would allow Biden to explain why his policies have failed. during the years he has been governing the nation.

“Let Joe explain why he wants open borders, with millions of people and many violent criminals from unknown parties coming to our once great nation.or why she wants men to participate in women’s sports.

Or require ALL ELECTRIC VEHICLES in five years, or why he allowed INFLATION to spiral out of control, destroying people of our country, and much more.

It would also demonstrate, under great pressure, his ‘competence’, or lack thereof,” he stressed.

Joe Biden is trying to keep his campaign afloat after his dismal showing at the presidential debate. (Credit: Susan Walsh/AP)

The 78-year-old Republican said the 47.9 million people who watched the first debate would be a figure that could easily be improved if the proposed format for a second one were accepted.

“It would be a wonderful evening. Just the two of us, one on one, in a good old-fashioned debate, like it used to be. ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, ANYWHERE!!!” he concluded.

However, it would be too risky for Joe Biden to accept the proposal, since it was thanks to the fact that the candidates’ intervention in the debate was limited to two minutes, automatically cutting off their microphone after that time, that Trump did not end up crushing him on a very unfortunate night for his cause.

In fact, The nation’s leader has still not managed to convince some of his party members that he can win the elections. if he is allowed to continue his campaign instead of trying to replace him as some voices demand.

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• Damon Lindelof, prominent TV producer, urges people to stop donating until Biden declines

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