Thursday, September 19

California will have another year of drought and water restrictions

State authorities warned that the winter brought little rain and it is very possible that restrictions on water consumption will be implemented in California

California tendrá otro año de sequía y de restricciones de agua
Drought affects California agriculture.

Photo: Aurelia Ventura / Impremedia / Real America News

For: EFE

SAN FRANCISCO – This winter they point to another year of water supply restrictions, something that has been usual in recent times in the state.

In the past months there has been little rain and snow in California (both records are below the historical average) and data from the US Drought Monitoring Service. indicate that the 90% of the state is in a situation ranging from “Moderate drought” to “exceptional drought”.

United States Drought Monitor | March 15, 2021 |

– Drought Center (@DroughtCenter) March 24, 2021

The Sierra Nevada, the main supplier of water in the state and from which large cities such as Los Angeles and San Francisco, lower than usual , especially in the southern part, where it is less than half of normal.

“Start planning now before possible shortages in the water supply this year and identify practical measures they can take to improve their resistance to drought, ”says a letter sent this week by the Water Resources Control Board. California doctors to more than , 000 farmers and mayors.

For its part, the Department of Water Management of the Californian government halved the forecasts of the amount of water that will provide to cities and agricultural areas .

If in December this government entity planned to respond to 04% of requests received to obtain resources hydric, now only commits to comply with 5% of the total.

After exceptionally dry January and February, all hopes were pinned on a “miracle” happening in March what allowed will face the rest of the year -and especially the summer- with greater tranquility, something that finally has not happened.

Besides being The most populous state in the US, California is also its main supplier of agricultural products, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as dairy products, all of them sectors that require high consumption of water.

However, large parts of the state -especially in the south- are practically desert and climate change is making the situation worse by leaps and bounds.

Thus, the state experienced a practically constant drought throughout the past decade, declared in December 2011 and that lasted until March of 2018. After a short break in the winter 2019 – 2020, most of last year was bad again and this 2021 points to a worsening of the trend.