Sunday, July 7

Biden team calls major donors to reassure them, report reveals

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

02 Jul 2024, 16:58 PM EDT

Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, director of the campaign that seeks to achieve reelection of Joe Biden in front of the White House, decided to take it upon himself to speak to the major donors who support his political aspirations and who, according to a report released by Axios, They are quite nervous after witnessing the way he conducted himself during the presidential debate.

The report in question mentions that the former deputy chief of staff decided to call together the people with the largest financial contributions to the campaign and, through a virtual call, tried to clear up all their concerns regarding the eventful night in which Biden became entangled in his own ideas when trying to send a message to the voters.

At the outset, O’Malley Dillon said that the president “is probably in better health than most.”

Despite this, the report mentions that One donor, who asked to remain anonymous, acknowledged that there is great uncertainty about the future of the 81-year-old Democrat’s campaign.

“I don’t know what the way forward is and I think they are trying to figure that out too. We all saw what we saw,” he said.

The president was a victim of his own mistakes during his exchange with Donald Trump. (Credit: Jacquelyn Martin / AP)

For its part, the NBC News television network reported having consulted some donors present at the virtual meeting who, allegedly, agreed in stating how It was agreed that if for any reason Biden declines to participate in the election process, all of his funds would go to Vice President Kamala Harris.

However, this measure did not satisfy the millionaires and There were cases where some people wanted their contributions reimbursed, This is due to disbelief about a possible victory of the acting vice president against the favorite in most polls, Donald Trump.

“I won’t stand on the sidelines, but it is difficult and increasingly difficult to donate directly to the campaign given the way it is being evaluated,” warned one donor, who is quite disappointed by the problem Joe Biden is having in trying to regain an image of strength in the eyes of the public.

In fact, prior to the debate, weeks ago, data from a survey emerged which concluded that he was experiencing his worst perception of his performance.

Keep reading:

• Biden raises $127 million in June, his best month yet for donations

• Five possible candidates who could replace Biden as the Democratic presidential candidate

• The presidential debate lost interest to the public after losing 35% of the audience