Tuesday, July 2

Trump attacks aid for Ukraine and Biden accuses him of wanting to leave NATO

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Jun 27, 2024, 10:43 PM EDT

Under continuous attack between both candidates, Republican Donald Trump lashed out during the electoral debate against the spending of military aid for Ukraine, while the president, Joe Biden, accused him of wanting to leave NATO.

According to Trump himself, he does not support Russian President Vladimir Putin’s proposal to end the war in Ukraine by annexing the regions occupied by Russian forces.

But he did not detail his plan for dealing with the war if he returned to the White House and said that the Russian invasion would never have happened if he had been president, an evasive statement he also used to talk about the conflict in Gaza.

The Republican said the United States has spent “too much” money arming the Ukrainian military because of this war, He called Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a “great businessman” for all the resources he has secured from the United States and criticized Biden for not doing enough to get more support from European NATO countries.

Trump even recalled how he threatened not to defend alliance members who did not meet their defense spending quotas, arguing that the United States was the one making the largest contribution, so in the face of threats, he achieved millionaire payments.

In response, Biden lashed out with phrases like, “I’ve never heard so much nonsense. This guy wants to get out of NATO. “Are you going to stay in NATO? You are going to leave NATO.”

The Democrat claimed that he has managed to get 50 countries around the world to form a coalition to support Ukraine because the Russian invasion is “a threat to the entire world.”

Biden said Putin is “a war criminal” who has killed thousands of people, which wants to re-establish the Soviet Union and will seek to invade new territories after Ukraine.

The current president has pledged to defend Ukraine from Russian invasion by sending more than $60 billion worth of weapons and aid, has imposed several batteries of sanctions against Russia and has strengthened relations with the rest of NATO countries.

Republican Donald Trump on Thursday blamed US President Joe Biden for the war in Ukraine, insisting that the Russian invasion would never have happened “if we had had a leader.”

The former Republican president was highly critical of the billions of dollars spent by the United States to help kyiv in its conflict with Moscow.

Palestinian state

In the same attacking tone, Donald Trump avoided answering the question of whether he would support the creation of a Palestinian state.

“I would have to see,” she said when asked about the issue by moderator Dana Bash, before changing the subject and criticising European countries for not contributing enough money to NATO.

Regarding the Gaza war, a central issue in the electoral campaign, Biden recalled that he is pressing for Israel and Hamas to close a ceasefire agreement that allows the release of the hostages.

When the president said his administration has defended and “saved” Israel, the Republican shook his head.

Biden showed firm support for the Israeli offensive on the Gaza Strip, invoking Israel’s right to defend itself, although over time he has clashed with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu over the high number of civilian casualties and the blockade. to humanitarian aid.

*With information from EFE.

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