Tuesday, July 2

Trump's niece travels to Atlanta for debate with Biden: 'I have witnessed my uncle's narcissism and cruelty'

Avatar of Jesus Garcia

By Jesus Garcia

Jun 27, 2024, 17:00 PM EDT

Mary Trump, the niece of former President Donald Trump, will be in the special room where President Joe Biden’s team will gather, from where she will criticize her uncle and expressly support the Democrat.

“If the worst happens and Donald [Trump] returns to the White House, none of us who ever criticized him will be safe, because he operates under revenge and retribution. “I am here tonight because only President Biden can stop Donald and save our country,” he said in a message distributed by President Biden’s campaign.

Tonight, CNN is hosting the first presidential debate between Biden and Trump, which has generated high expectations.

“I have witnessed my uncle’s narcissism and cruelty throughout my life,” Mary said in a message. “His inferiority complex has always driven his jealousy and pathological need to dominate others and this is information that is vitally important for the American people to have before the most important election of our lifetimes.”

Mary confirmed that she is in Atlanta, but it is also unclear if she will join the post-debate party that President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden will attend.

“I am in Atlanta tonight to remind everyone of who Donald is as a person and how he would govern as president, because the stakes are too high to avoid getting it wrong: We cannot afford to let Donald Trump get close to the levers of power again,” he warned. “Donald cannot be trusted and we must recognize that his last administration was simply a warm-up for the worse that was to come.”

Mary Trump recalled January 6, 2021, the attack on the Capitol, as “a dress rehearsal” for a politician whose goal is to “ascend, once again, to the highest peak in this country.”

Biden arrives wrapped up

President Biden’s campaign team will join him in an alternate room away from the debate stage, where no audience is allowed.

Mary Trump will be joined by Keisha Lance-Bottoms, former mayor and Biden-Harris 2024 senior advisor; Congresswoman Jasmine Crockett; California Governor Gavin Newsom; Congressman Robert Garcia, former Congressman Cedric Richmond, and Senator Rafael Warnock.

“Not only are these leaders some of the most effective and trusted voices on the president’s agenda [Biden]“But they also represent our broad and diverse coalition, and will help ensure our message reaches the voters who will decide this election,” said Biden-Harris 2024 Communications Director Michael Tyler.

In addition, senior officials from the Biden-Harris campaign will be in said room.

Maca Casado, director of Hispanic media; Quentin Fulks, senior deputy campaign manager; Rob Flaherty, deputy campaign manager; Jasmine Harris, Director of Black Media, and TJ Ducklo, Senior Communications Advisor.