Tuesday, July 2

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. to Broadcast His Own “Real Debate” During Trump-Biden Debate

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By Maria Ortiz

Jun 26, 2024, 10:29 PM EDT

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. plans to respond to Trump-Biden presidential debate in real time Thursday, in what his campaign calls “The Real Debate.”

Kennedy is an independent presidential candidate, an accomplished lawyer and environmentalist, the son of former Attorney General and Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and nephew of former President John F. Kennedy, and Senator Ted Kennedy.

On Tuesday, Kennedy said that although he has been excluded from the debate stage, plans to shake things up with a livestreamed event that he hopes will insert himself into the conversation by answering the same questions that will be asked of Trump and Biden.

Kennedy Jr.’s live broadcast will be broadcast on X and TheRealDebate.com, as the independent candidate announced on social media. “They tried to take away his independent election for president and I will not allow them. Watch the presidential debate as it’s supposed to be and decide for yourself. Broadcast here on X and http://TheRealDebate.com”

Unlike the presidential debate of Trump and Biden, Kennedy’s will take place in Los Angeles, will have a live audience and will take place at 9 pm on Thursday, at the same time as the debate of the two presidential candidates in the elections. of 2024.

CNN excluded RFK Jr. from the debate, determining that he does not meet criteria that include a voting threshold and appearance on a sufficient number of state ballots to win the presidency.

Kennedy and his team argue that former President Donald Trump and President Biden They are not on any ballot yet.since the Republican National Convention and the Democratic National Convention have not yet taken place.

The Kennedy campaign filed a complaint last month with the Federal Election Commission accusing CNN, Biden, Trump and their campaigns of violate federal electoral law.

“CNN is making prohibited corporate contributions to both campaigns and the Biden committee and the Trump committee have accepted these prohibited corporate contributions,” the complaint said.

The first presidential debate of Trump and Biden will take place on Thursday in Atlanta starting at 9 pm ET, in a meeting organized by CNN and broadcast on several TV channels, including Telemundo in Spanish.

Keep reading:
• Kennedy Jr., independent presidential candidate, is spending more money than he raises
• Biden arrives at the presidential debate with only 42% of Democrats supporting his work, survey reveals
• Debate between Biden and Trump: everything you need to know for this Thursday