Sunday, September 29

Trump promotes that foreign graduates from American universities receive a Green Card

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By Evaristo Lara

Jun 21, 2024, 3:10 PM EDT

Donald Trump, Republican presidential candidate, announced his intention for foreign graduates from American universities to automatically gain citizenship.

In response to the announcement issued a few days ago by Joe Biden, about allowing certain undocumented spouses and children of US citizens to apply for legal permanent residence without leaving the country, the New York magnate also launched a proposal focused on benefiting foreign minds graduated from higher education centers established in the interior of the country.

During his participation in “The All-In Podcast,” Trump mentioned that, after having spent several years adapting to the American lifestyle, the most logical thing would be for foreign graduates to remain in the nation with the aim of working in companies or well by establishing their own companies to continue boosting the economy.

“What I want to do, and What I will do is make you graduate from a university. I think you should automatically get, as part of your diploma, a green card to be able to stay in this country.

And that also includes junior colleges. Anyone graduates from a university; He enters there for two or four years. If you graduate or get a doctorate from a university, you should be able to stay in this country.

You need a group of people who work for your companies and they have to be intelligent people. Brilliant people are needed graduating from college.“, he expressed.

The New York tycoon continues to lead most of the polls. (Credit: Carlos Osorio / AP)

Nevertheless, The Republican’s new proposal sounds completely contradictory to the ideas he has sold regarding mass deportations of immigrants largest in history planned to be executed in case of winning the elections.

In fact, during his four years in the White House, Trump attempted to restrict refugee resettlement and even temporarily banned travel from seven Muslim-majority countries.

At the moment, Donald Trump is emerging as the slightly favorite candidate to win in most polls, but with a large percentage of citizens undecided about who to support on the ballot and the possibility that Robert Francis Kennedy Jr. will join to the race, obtaining at least 10% of the votes.

Keep reading:

• Biden’s campaign raised $85 million dollars in May, less than what Trump achieved

• Donald Trump leads Joe Biden by two points nationally, survey indicates

• Donald Trump assures that “very evil forces” are controlling Joe Biden