Sunday, September 29

3 rituals to find love this summer: ignite your romantic life

Summer is a vibrant season full of positive energy, perfect for opening your heart and find love.

Although modern life can make going out and socializing a challenge, this doesn’t mean you can’t attract your soulmate from the comfort of your home.

Here we present some powerful rituals to find love this summer 2024inspired by traditions and spiritual practices.

1. Ritual to prepare your heart for love

Before attracting new love, it is essential to prepare your heart, especially if you are coming from a stormy relationship or if you feel that you are not yet ready for a new romance. This ritual will help you heal and open your heart to receive love again.

How to do it?

The materials necessary for this ritual are: a seasonal flower, a vase with water and a comfortable bed.

Steps to follow:

Select a flower: Choose a flower that is in season and that resonates with you.
Load the flower: Place the flower in a vase with water and leave it overnight under the light of the full moon. The full moon is powerful and will charge the flower with positive and healing energies.
Prayer at dawn: At dawn, take the flower and place it over your heart as you lie in your bed. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply. She recites the following prayer: “Heart, open to love like the petals of this flower; It can come and I know it will.”
Display: Visualize your heart opening and healing, ready to receive new love.

2. Ritual to find summer love

Once your heart is prepared, you can perform a ritual to attract your summer partner. This ritual uses the power of quartz and positive intention to manifest love in your life.

How to do it?

The materials used for this spell are rose quartz, paper and a pen.

Steps to follow:

Find a place outdoors: Sit in a quiet, comfortable place outdoors.
Write your intention: If you have someone in mind, write their name on the paper. If not, write a statement like “I wish to find a love in the summer.”
Meditate with quartz: Hold the rose quartz in your hands. She closes her eyes and breathes deeply, feeling the energy of the quartz.
Recite the prayer: With the quartz in your hands, recite the following prayer: “Come to me, I am waiting for you. In this corner of the world we have to meet.”
Display: Visualize your future partner coming into your life, feeling the love and happiness they will bring.

3. Ritual so that summer love lasts

If you have already found love during the summer and want the relationship to last, this ritual is perfect for strengthening and maintaining the love connection.

How to do it?

For the ritual you need two white candles and a photo of both of you.

Steps to follow:

Prepare the space: Find a quiet place where you can place the candles and the photo.
Light the candles: Light a couple of white candles and place them on a flat surface. Put the photo of both of you in the middle of the candles.
Recite the prayer: With the candles lit, recite the following prayer: “Our love has been born and the flame does not go out, may it never go out and do not leave my soul.”
Meditation: Sit in front of the candles and the photo, and meditate on the happy moments and love you share with your partner. Visualize a white light surrounding both of you, protecting and strengthening your bond.

Keep reading:
• These 4 zodiac signs will manifest more money next summer
• 4 zodiac signs face their past mistakes between now and July 9
• Summer will arrive with positive karmic energy for 3 zodiac signs