Saturday, September 28

They set a date for the trial of Luis Rubiales for the non-consensual kiss of Jenni Hermoso

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Jun 17, 2024, 10:28 AM EDT

Luis Rubiales, former president of the Spanish Football Federation, He will sit on the bench on February 3, 2025 as accused of the crimes of sexual assault and coercion of Jenni Hermoso for the non-consensual kiss at the Soccer World Cup.

The central court of the National Court established 11 sessions, distributed between February 3 and 19 of next yearfor the trial of Rubiales and the other three defendants.

The accused who are accused of coercing the player to justify the actions of the former president of the RFEF: the former sports director of the men’s team Albert Luque, the former coach of the women’s team Jorge Vilda and the person who was responsible for Marketing of the Federation, Rubén Rivera.

What does Jenni Hermoso ask against Luis Rubiales?

In addition to the Prosecutor’s Office, Jenni Hermoso herself and the Association of Spanish Footballers (AFE) also appear as accusations, who request the same prison sentences as the public ministry.

The international player also requests that the ban on Rubiales be imposed approach her within 500 meters or communicate with her for eight years and compensation of $50,000 euros ($53,394 dollars) in civil liabilityand another $50,000 to be paid with the rest of the defendants.

The events occurred on August 20, at the Australia Stadium in Sydney, after the victory of the Spanish women’s team in the World Cup.

The public ministry describes in its conclusions a conduct by Rubiales that was “surprising and without the consent or acceptance” of Jenni Hermoso when, during the World Cup medal ceremony, he “held her head” with both hands and “gave her a kiss on the lips”.

Apart from this procedure, Rubiales is being investigated in a court in Majadahonda (Madrid) for corruption crimes in business and unfair administration due to alleged irregularities in Federation contracts when he was in charge.

Keep reading:

– Luis Rubiales must ask for permission to travel outside of Spain

– Gerard Piqué’s account is blocked due to investigations into the Spanish Super Cup held in Saudi Arabia

– Prosecutor’s Office requests two and a half years in prison for Luis Rubiales for kissing Jennifer Hermoso