Saturday, June 29

Political Round: Where does the opposition to Guatemala Square come from?

It is one thing to campaign and another very different thing to be part of the government. That transition is exactly what has been complicated for Los Angeles Councilwoman Eunisses Hernández because she has not realized that her position involves seeking reconciliation and working with everyone, even those who did not vote for her.

A large group of Guatemalans denounced that the councilor has retaliated against them, in what hurts them most, for not supporting her in her campaign.

What happens is that since 2022, this group of activists has been working on a long-awaited dream for them and which they seek to name Guatemala Squarean area of ​​the city, near MacArthur Park.

The goal is for Guatemalans to have their own space in Los Angeles, which recognizes them like Chinese Americans have in Los Angeles. chinatownKorean Americans in KoreatownBangladeshis in Little Bangladeshthe Armenians in Little Armeniathe Filipino people with their Filipino Townamong others.

Councilwoman Hernández, according to the Guatemalans, not only blocked their efforts when they had already collected the signatures but also gave them competition, and attracted other groups of Guatemalans from outside the city, such as an organization from Santa Monica, with whom she intends develop the same project, under another name, Guatemala City.

In a statement, the councilor defended herself by saying that the project did not proceed because it did not meet the requirements, a version that evidently does not convince the chapines.

The problems that Guatemalans experience with this councilor have already been suffered by the community organization The Wall The Memories, from whom he took most of the budget that had already been approved; and for example, the SALEF organization also substantially reduced part of its municipal financing.

We don’t know who is advising Councilwoman Hernández, but she is getting into trouble for free. When we asked Alejandro Alvarado, one of the Guatemalans involved, why they had not supported her in her campaign, she said because they did not really know her, but also because they do not agree with the democratic socialist agenda (DSA) that she represents. .

Councilwoman Hernández had to be careful so that what happened to Assemblywoman Wendy Carrillo does not happen to her, who was once considered a political promise, but then lost ground, and everything went down the drain.

In recovery

Good news about Carrillo is that at the beginning of June, he announced on his social networks that he had already completed six months of sobriety. We remember that last November she had a car crash due to driving under the influence of alcohol, which many believe caused her to lose the election for councilor for district 14 and take a pitiful fourth place in the primaries.

A controversial topic because there are those who believe that by the time the election occurred in March, no one remembered. Now we will most likely see the assembly member trying to vindicate herself, seeking the seat in the Senate that Senator María Elena Durazo will leave in two years when her term expires.

Another Latina in trouble

Another Latina who is in trouble is the attorney for the city of Los Angeles, Haydee Feldstein Soto, and a veteran prosecutor in her office, Michelle McGinnis, accused her of serious ethical and legal violations for allegedly making decisions based on her personal relationships or What he perceives can leave him a political gain.

He also accused her of mishandling scholarship funds, discriminatory treatment of staff and inappropriate consumption of alcohol in the offices.

According to McGinnis, when she made the accusations, she was placed on administrative leave, removed from her office and prohibited from maintaining contact with her colleagues.

This demand is still worrying for the Puerto Rican-American prosecutor; since it is not even half of the four years that correspond to its term.

She has already come under fire for suing a journalist who obtained records on LAPD officers and for pushing for a bill to weaken access to the state’s public records.

This is when we ask ourselves, what need do some politicians have to wade into dangerous waters. We already live in times in which elected officials have to take care of even their own shadow, because there are those who are on the lookout for the slightest setback to ask for their resignation, challenge them in the next election, or at least, start a recall campaign.