Saturday, June 29

Biden launches million-dollar campaign and calls Trump a “convicted criminal” in ad

With an investment of $50 million for the month of Junewhich will include a historic investment in media, aimed primarily at the Latino vote, The Biden-Harris team launches a campaign that seeks to strengthen its electoral preference.

Ahead of the June debate, new “Character Matters” ad highlights the central dynamic of the presidential race: Joe Biden fights for the American people, while Trump only cares about himself, calling him a “convicted felon.”

According to the campaign team, “This investment is part of historically early, aggressive and comprehensive efforts to engage and activate the voters who will decide this election.”

The campaign releases a new ad outlining the contrast Americans will see on the June 27 debate stage between the president Biden, “who fights for the American people every day, and convicted felon Donald Trump who is fighting for himself”, he says.

According to the ad, “Character Matters” reminds voters who Donald Trump is: a criminal convicted of 34 felonies and found responsible for sexual assault and financial fraud.

The ad makes it clear that Trump’s status as a convicted criminal is not just a label, “it is the reflection of a deranged man who will do anything for power, revenge and punishment.”

As part of the media investment campaign during the month of June, “Character Matters” will air on general market television and on “Connected TV” in all key states and on national cable.

“Trump comes into the first debate as a convicted criminal who continues to demonstrate that he will do anything and harm anyone, if that means more power and capacity for revenge for Donald Trump,” said Biden-Harris 2024 campaign communications director Michael Tyler.

“That is why he was convicted, that is why he encouraged a violent mob to storm the Capitol on January 6, and that is why his entire campaign is an exercise in revenge and retribution; because that man does not care about the people that a president should serve and he will do absolutely anything for his personal benefit and for his own thirst for power,” he assured.

Debate in sight

Next June 27, in the CNN studios, Joe Biden and Donald Trump willThey will debate face to face to explain their political differences and defend their government platforms before millions of voters.

Heading into the event, electoral polls show a slight advantage in favor of Trump, which disappears under the concept of statistical error, so the launch of this advertising campaign adds to the aggressive efforts of the Biden-Harris team to gain ground in the preference.

It should be noted that Biden and his campaign committee They have not yet decided whether they will use in the debate the sentence against Trump for having falsified his records to cover up a sexual scandal, when he began his first presidential campaign in 2016. However, given the message in their media campaign, it is not ruled out that this issue will take center stage in the meeting on June 27.

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