Saturday, September 28

Don't miss out on enjoying a day at the pool in Los Angeles!

Ricardo Roura Avatar

By Ricardo Roura

Jun 16, 2024, 9:36 PM EDT

For the first time in five years, all Los Angeles County public pools will remain open six days a week and with access to all aquatic facilities until October 31announced the county Department of Parks and Recreation.

This possibility represents the first time in five years that all pools will offer their service for five monthsas it also opens up long-awaited access to potential cooling space for many communities.

For the first time, the pool season is extended from 10 weeks to five months. In previous years, Los Angeles County pools They closed at the end of August, while some of the hottest days in the city can occur in September and October.

For the new season, Los Angeles County will have more than 580 lifeguards who will provide their service at public pools after having a shortage of specialists in the field that was experienced in 2023, which forced the operating hours of the facilities offered by the county to be reduced.

One of the factors that helped increase the number of lifeguards was a salary increase. The initial lifeguards, Hired in local communities, they will be paid $23 an houras announced this Friday by the head of the Department of Parks and Recreation, Norma García-González.

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“Our lifeguards make sure our programs thrive and children are safebut also that they earn salaries for their university studies and their future,” said García-González.

On the occasion of the opening, A series of parties will be organized at all pools managed by Los Angeles County through June 22welcoming visitors to enjoy recreational swimming, games, food and giveaways.

county officials They estimated the number of visits expected to be more than one million in the pools during this year’s season.

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County Supervisor Janice Hahn welcomed residents to the pool at Don Knabe Regional Park in Cerritos, to start from June 14 with the pool season.

Supervisor Hahn reportedly pushed to extend the traditional pool season, which is now They will remain open six days a week until October 31.

The supervisor’s office said the county also invested in new lighting in the pools to ensure that swimmers can enjoy the facilities even when the sun rises later and sets earlier, which occurs during the fall.

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A variety of affordable aquatic programs will be offered at the facility, including swimming lessons, at a rate of $25 dollars, including the cost of uniforms.

To get more related information about the places What the Los Angeles County pool parties will have, the aquatic programs and service hours, you can enter this link.

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