Friday, June 28

Trump meets his far-right base after courting black voters in Detroit

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By The opinion

Jun 16, 2024, 00:26 AM EDT

Former President Donald Trump held a roundtable with voters in Detroit on Saturdayin an African-American church in downtown Detroit, in the key state of Michigan and Later, he participated in another rally called by the ultraconservative organization Turning Point Action.which the Anti-Defamation League says has connections to white supremacists.

Trump seeks the votes of the black community for the electionswhich has traditionally turned its back on him for his racist controversies, such as during his years of attacks against President Barack Obama.

But among the public, who applauded him several times and sang him happy birthday, There was also a significant group of white followers of the former president that helped complete the capacity, a symptom of the much work that the Republican has ahead of him to win over African Americans who vote predominantly Democratic.

“Biden is the worst president there has ever been for African Americans,” Trump exclaimed from the altar of Church 180 in Detroit, shielded by two American flags and a large Christian cross.

The Republican reiterated his usual attacks against President Biden, whom he accused of having sunk the economy and of having allowed the entry of irregular migrants who, he said, are criminals and steal jobs from African Americans.

According to a survey by the Prew Center, the African-American population remains overwhelmingly Democratic, since 78% would vote for Biden compared to 18% who would vote for Trump.

Trump attended an election rally at a far-right forum in Detroit.
Trump attended an election rally at a far-right forum in Detroit.
Credit: Carlos Osorio | AP

Before leaving for a far-right forum, Trump listened to several members of the community, including African-American pastor Lorenzo Sewell, who thanked him for visiting the neighborhood, something that neither Barack Obama, the first black president of the United States, had ever done. history, nor Biden.

Trump was also the guest star of the so-called People’s Convention convened by the ultraconservative organization Turning Point Action in Detroit.

“The radical left Democrats stole the 2020 elections and we are not going to allow them to fraud the 2024 presidential elections,” said Trump, applauded by the public, among whom were congressmen from the most radical wing of the Republicans.

Trump, accused of trying to reverse the 2020 election results and having instigated the assault on the Capitol, does not recognize his defeat against Democrat Joe Biden and claims without evidence that he was the victim of electoral fraud.

The Republican insisted in his speech that he is the victim of a judicial persecution promoted by Biden and promised the largest deportation in US history if he returns to power after the November 5 elections.

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