Saturday, September 28

Marco Rubio supports Donald Trump's plans to carry out mass deportations of immigrants

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By Evaristo Lara

Jun 15, 2024, 17:35 PM EDT

The senator from Florida supports Donald Trump’s plans to carry out mass deportations of immigrants, in case the New Yorker returns to govern the country.

Recently, The former president of the nation issued a controversial statement stating that immigrants were poisoning the blood of the country and, therefore, he had planned that, if he won the elections, he would carry out an unprecedented mass deportation.

“I am going to carry out the great deportation, the largest ever carried out. Eisenhower did the greatest, this will be even more, but it is something very difficult. “What they have done to our country is unthinkable,” Trump said in an interview with the television network Fox News.

About, Marco Rubio, who is among the options to become Donald Trump’s running mate, supported this measure, He considers that the arrival of more people without corresponding documentation has caused problems in several states.

“The country is threatened by this influx of people, which we now know includes even criminals and terrorists”he indicated in an interview with the Telemundo network.

Marco Rubio went from being a detractor of Donald Trump to becoming his defender. (Credit: J. Scott Applewhite/AP)

Nevertheless, His assumed position is completely opposite to what he thought four years ago, when he considered mass deportations for the more than 11 million undocumented immigrants in the United States as something unrealistic to achieve.

“My thought at the time was to find a process for those people who are not criminals and at the same time do something, so that it never happens again. Now, In addition to those 11 million, in recent years we have covered 9 or 10 million more people, it is a huge problem and a completely different problem,” he highlighted.

In response, Kenia Guerrero, spokesperson for the Democratic National Committee, described the Florida senator as someone who has lost his dignity in order to look good in the eyes of Donald Trump.

“Rubio has lost his last shred of dignity only to compete in a race to the bottom to be on an extreme MAGA ticket this November that is wildly out of touch with the voters who will decide this election,” he noted.

The controversial thing about the topic is that in a survey carried out by the television network CBS News62% of the voters who participated in the opinion exercise agreed with the idea that a mass deportation is necessary.

Keep reading:

• Senator Marco Rubio acknowledges that he would be honored to serve as Trump’s vice president
• Marco Rubio warned of Trump’s “cheating”, but now supports him to be the Republican Party candidate
• Marco Rubio affirms that Joe Biden “is an insane man supported by evil people”