Sunday, June 23

Sandra Itzel has already divorced, but now she faces criminal proceedings with Adrián Di Monte

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By Julio Cortes

May 22, 2024, 11:24 PM EDT

The confrontation between Sandra Itzel and the Cuban actor Adrian Di Monte continues, even though a few days ago they were formally divorced. Now The singer must defend herself against criminal proceedings due to the complaint of domestic violence that her ex-husband made against her.arguing that on one occasion he tried to physically attack him.

Interviewed for the program “First hand”, Sandra celebrated being single again: “Thank God the divorce was accelerated precisely because I came to ratify it. This signature was not necessary, but it did speed up the procedures, which was what I asked for. The most interested person didn’t even show up with the judge, didn’t even sign, didn’t even care.and if the divorce came out so quickly it was thanks to me taking that action.

The actress no longer mentions Di Monte’s name, and reported that there is an investigation folder, which contains evidence that she and her lawyers provided to confront the complaint: “This person reported me for domestic violence, using articles that curiously and ironically defend women. He protects himself with laws that are supposed to support and protect children, the family. Although this complaint arrives, the duty of the prosecutor’s office is to receive it and take actions, which are precautionary measures. Precisely because violence is accused, the accusing party must be protected. However, that does not mean that it proceeds, there needs to be sufficient evidence.”

Sandra Itzel She received criticism from many people for taking a long time to denounce her now ex-husband. She argues that, despite her lawyers insistently asking her to do so, she was afraid of what would happen to Adrián; Now she is willing to go to the ultimate consequences: “I have to defend myself; I didn’t want to get to this point. It is very difficult for a victim to report her abuser. In fact, the victims are the last to report. Since this is a criminal process, I do not want to give any statement that is not correct. This is not about finding culprits, but about doing justice. At the end of the day I What I tell women, and what would be my advice to all of them, is that they report their attackers, because they are not going to have even a shred of mercy for you.”

So far, Adrián Di Monte has not made any statements about the conclusion of his divorce process from Sandra Itzel. She trusts that the authorities will do justice in her case: “I think what is being presented is compelling evidence. If that person wanted to get rid of me, why do something much bigger and much more complicated, and that he knows cannot benefit him?

Keep reading:

  • Adrián Di Monte denounces his ex-partner Sandra Itzel for family violence
  • Sandra Itzel signs the papers to divorce Adrián Di Monte: “This hell is finally over”
  • Sandra Itzel criticizes journalist Lucho Borrego, who calls her a “burning woman”