Friday, September 20

Beer brand supports Tom Flores in a unique way to be “immortalized”

The former Raiders coach left a huge legacy in the NFL, but has not been elected to the Hall of Fame

Marca de cerveza apoya de singular manera a Tom Flores para que sea “inmortalizado”
Tom Flores, icon of the Raiders and the NFL.

Photo: George Rose / Getty Images

A beer company had the idea to support Tom Flores , one of the most prominent Hispanics of all time in professional American football, with the launch of a unique ad campaign.

Flores, from 83 years old and what is best known to NFL fans for having won two Super Bowls as the Raiders head coach , has not been elected to the Football Hall of Fame based in Canton, Ohio.

“I am very confident that this will be the year,” Flores told Real America News in an interview in November of 2019, after the rules to enter the venue were changed a bit with the intention of help in the election of cases such as that of Californian Flores, who was also the first Hispanic quarterback to play in the NFL.

However, the call to “immortality” n or it came the day before Super Bowl LIV in Miami.

The Coors Light brand initiative consists of a petition for fans to sign in support of his candidacy for the Hall of Fame , a limited edition beer cans with the image of Tom Flores (available in Las Vegas, the home of the Raiders since 2020), a free beer for those who support Flores and a commercial featuring the legendary coach. The ad humorously raises the injustice of his non-choice .

Flowers, with family roots of the The Mexican state of Durango, is on the list of finalists for the election this February 6, which is headed by Peyton Manning, a day before Super Bowl LV in Tampa.


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